

Brandon Southward 2013年12月03日

    盖洛普公司(Gallup)《2013年美国职场状况报告》(2013 State of American Workplace Report)显示,在美国1亿全职员工当中,积极投入现有工作的员工仅占三成。报告指出,工作热情的缺失每年导致的生产力损失高达4500-5500亿美元。

    那么雇主们,特别是从事多文化背景员工跨国管理的雇主,到底应该如何应对员工的这种倦怠情绪呢?为此,我们向最佳职场研究所(Great Place to Work Institute)首席执行官齐娜•格曼寻求帮助,以更好地了解将公司打造成为最佳职场的秘诀。格曼在帮助雇主思考改善工作环境以及提升雇员满意度方面尤为胜任。格曼曾在人力资源管理协会(Society for Human Resource Management)担任过多年的首席运营官,而且她目前供职的机构曾参与过财富100家最适宜工作的公司(Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For)以及最近的全球最最适宜工作的25家公司(The 25 Best Global Companies to Work For)的评选工作。


    格曼表示,“全球各大最佳职场面临的艰巨任务是:在充满多种本土文化的运营环境中打造‘统一的职场文化’。”所有成功的机构或企业都已经掌握了打造这种文化的艺术。这些机构在吸纳人才之后就会去塑造他们的认同感,用企业的文化来同化他们。对于洋基 ( Yankees )这支历史上最为成功的棒球队来说,这种文化被称之为“洋基作风”。作为一个洋基人意味着在场下要有职业素养,在场上要发挥关键作用。全美篮球男子职业联赛(NBA)圣安东尼奥马刺队(San Antonio Spurs)和美国橄榄球职业联盟(NFL)新英格兰爱国者队(New England Patriots)也拥有类似的竞赛运作模式。加入这些队伍意味着接受其文化洗礼,以及接受其塑造和培养,从而融入整个组织体系之中。


    联邦快递(FedEx,排名第20位)会向在客服方面表现突出的25位员工颁发Purple Promise Rewards奖。公司在颁奖仪式上将授予这25名员工胸针和奖品。格曼说:“The Purple Promise代表了联邦快递的愿景和策略,然而更为重要的是,它代表了每一位雇员的承诺,即一如既往地提供卓越的客户体验。”

    According to Gallup's 2013 State of American Workplace Report, only 30% of the 100 million American workers who work full-time are actively engaged in their work. This lack of engagement can lead to lost productivity to the tune of $450 billion to $550 billion annually, the report states.

    How can employers, especially those managing workers in multiple countries and cultures, combat the ennui? We asked China Gorman, CEO of the Great Place to Work Institute to help us understand, well, what makes a company a great place to work. Gorman is especially qualified to help employers think about improving their workplaces and bolstering employee satisfaction. Gorman spent many years as the chief operating officer of the Society for Human Resource Management, and her current organization helps produce Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For, and more recently, The 25 Best Global Companies to Work For.

    Creating "one culture"

    "The world's best workplaces face the daunting task of creating 'one workplace culture' from the myriad of local cultures in which they operate," Gorman says. All successful organizations or companies have mastered the art of creating this culture. These organizations take in talented people, mold their identities, and assimilate them into their organization's way of life. For the Yankees, the most successful baseball franchise in history, it's called the "Yankee Way." To be a Yankee means to be professional off the field and clutch on it. Similar sports models include the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA and the New England Patriots in the NFL. To be a part of these teams is to be welcomed into their culture, shaped and enhanced to fit into the larger framework of the organization.

    At Google (GOOG) (No. 1 on the 25 Best Global Companies ranking), Gorman says culture is the idea of being "Googley": "No matter where in the world, employees, or 'Googlers' as they are called, work. They universally understand that to be 'Googley' is to be unique, true to yourself, collaborative, and comfortable being around people that may be smarter than you." Creating "one workplace culture" also extends to setting individual goals, toward which every member strives to achieve.

    At FedEx (FDX) (No. 20), Purple Promise Rewards are handed out to 25 FedEx employees who go above and beyond in providing customer service. At a ceremony, the 25 employees are recognized with a lapel pin and trophy. "The Purple Promise encompasses FedEx's vision and strategy, but is, more importantly, the promise from every employee that they will consistently deliver an outstanding customer experience," Gorman says.

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