Scopely CEO:会讲故事的商业奇才

Scopely CEO:会讲故事的商业奇才

Chanelle Bessette 2013年12月05日

    沃尔特•德奈弗是一位社交游戏创业者,他的公司Scopely与独立游戏工作室合作开发、发行和销售多人游戏。在Scopely之前,沃尔塔还创办过O Negative Media公司,并担任CEO,在此期间开发了社交网络游戏应用。在那之前, 他与人合作创办的Ignition Interactive公司,是首批在Facebook平台上开发第三方应用的开发者之一。

    2012年,德奈弗被世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)评为 “全球青年领袖”(Young Global Shapers),2013年,他又荣获安永年度企业家奖(Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year)。他拥有布朗大学(Brown University)英语文学文科学士学位。出席完《财富》杂志(Fortune)举办的“科技头脑风暴大会”(Brainstorm Tech)之后,他与我们分享了自己的成就,他对科技的态度,以及学校教给他的那些有助于创业的技能。

    1. 你最崇拜的商界或科技界人物是哪位?为什么?


    2. 你还崇拜其他哪些公司?为什么?


    3. 最让你兴奋的科技行业是什么?


    4. 企业家必须读商学院吗?


    5. 你获得过的最好建议是什么?


    Walter Driver is a longtime social gaming entrepreneur whose company, Scopely, works with independent gaming studios to co-develop, distribute, market, and monetize multiplayer games. Prior to Scopely, Walter founded and served as CEO of O Negative Media, where he developed social network gaming applications. Before that, he co-founded Ignition Interactive, one of the first developers of third party applications on the Facebook platform.

    In 2012, Driver was recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of its Young Global Shapers, and in 2013 he was a finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Brown University. After he attended Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference, we picked his brain about his accomplishments, technology, and the surprising thing he learned in school that has helped him as an entrepreneur.

    1. What business or technology person do you admire most? Why?

    My father, Walter Driver Jr. He's had a very successful career in law and now finance and showed me that doing everything the right way all the time pays unforeseeable dividends over time -- shortcuts rarely take you where you want to end up.

    2. What other companies do you admire? Why?

    Valve and Vice are two companies I think are very cool -- they have an identity that means something to people who work there.

    3. What technology sector excites you most?

    I'm pretty thrilled to be coming of age at the advent of the smartphone era. Having a connected device in the hands of billions of people is going to create fundamentally new opportunities that are just beginning to take shape yet and are easily taken for granted in the U.S.

    4. Is business school necessary for entrepreneurs?

    I've never had any formal business education, so I honestly don't know how useful it is, but it's definitely not a requirement. From my perspective, most people who start companies do it because they either a) are wired that way and can't imagine doing anything else, b) they have a unique insight into a particular market, or c) there's a problem they are insanely passionate about solving. Business school seems like a more useful training ground for being an executive than an entrepreneur.

    5. What is the best advice you ever received?

    Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in the short-term and underestimate what they can accomplish in the long-term.

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