

Courtney Subramanian 2014年06月05日


    过去几年,短期零售市场如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,不仅在电子商务和实体商务之间架设了一座桥梁,而且让很多品牌有机会只用很少的资金租用高端地产进行短期零售。根据最近的一份专营零售报告显示,自从2009以来,临时零售行业的年增长率达到了16%,市值已达80亿美元。亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)这样的网络巨头纷纷在大商场里签订短期租约,展示自己的新产品。而全美连锁的高档百货店诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)也与网络珠宝商BaubleBar和时尚品牌Top Shop合作,在自己的门店内设置专柜。


1. 利用“快闪”店清仓甩货、同时尝试寻找新的收入流




2. 测试新产品或新理念



3. 利用“快闪”店作为营造品牌认知度的机会



    Walk through any major shopping district, and you're likely to stumble upon a number of pop-up shops. From online brands testing the waters for a physical presence to major retailers testing out new products, the pop-up concept has become a major tool for businesses regardless of size.

    The short-term retail market has exploded over the past few years, bridging the gap between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar stores and enabling brands a chance at premium real estate at a fraction of the cost. In fact, temporary retail continues to thrive as an $8 billion industry that's grown 16% annually since 2009, according to a recent Specialty Retail Report. Major online brands like Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOG) have experimented with short-term leases to showcase new products while national retailer Nordstrom has collaborated with online jewelry marketplace BaubleBar and fashion brand Top Shop to set up within the department store.

    More and more companies are realizing a pop-up is not only a chance to generate more sales but also to learn more about customers and how a brand translates and who it influences. To illustrate, here's a look at five ways how a business can benefit from a soon-to-be permanent model in the retail industry:

1. Offload inventory and test out a new revenue stream

    Pop-up shops inherently evoke a sense of urgency with "limited time" offers, which helps boost sales and often converts to larger purchases.

    "We have had clients that have seen their cart size grow two times when their online customer walks into a space where they can touch and feel the brand," says pop-up architect Melissa Gonzalez.

    The informal, spontaneous setting might generate more revenue or allow a store to feature inventory in a fresh way, says Anton Commissaris, the North American president for point of systems service Vend. For example, let's say a running store is trying to move old inventory through the use of sidewalk racks. If the storeowner instead uses a pop-up truck and drives to a different part of town, the clothing becomes instantly new to a different group of consumers. Meanwhile online companies like Etsy can test the brick-and-mortar business to see if their merchandise attracts foot traffic in the same way it can digitally.

2. Test out new products or experiment with new concepts

    Pop-up shops are a great way to incubate an idea in a confined timeframe and isolated scope, adds Gonzalez, who owns a pop-up specialty firm. Demonstrating new products enables a business to collect customer feedback and suggestions before fully going to market. Existing brands like Google or Nordstrom (JWN), which more recently launched a New York pop-up to promote Sarah Jessica Parker's new shoe line SJP, are also leveraging pop-up shops to experiment with new collections or concepts.

    Smaller retailers can also use pop-up shops or trucks as an opportunity to reach and retain more customers. Use it as a chance to hand out an exclusive discount or gift card to spend at the larger store or online, giving consumers a reason to return after the pop-up closes.

3. Use it as a marketing opportunity to create brand awareness

    More companies are using pop-ups as a marketing tool for brand extension. By incorporating incentives for customers to share their experience on social media channels like Twitter and Facebook, companies can create a larger organic buzz about their brand. By analyzing social media chatter, a marketing team could examine word sentiment around their brand and look for new potential influences for future campaigns. A temporary physical setup also gives online brands a chance to make consumers aware of their online store, attracting local foot traffic they may not have otherwise had.

    Technology-driven companies can also use a temporary space as a way to educate customers on what makes their product unique to the market.

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