

Benjamin Snyder 2014年06月18日


    谈到巴西队一些受欢迎的球员时,我们不得不提到他们的绰号。这些绰号不仅能对球员做出定位,还能赋予他们一种神秘的色彩。巴西队球员弗雷德里科•查维斯•格德斯的绰号为“弗雷德”,另一名球员吉万尼尔多•维埃拉•德•索萨(Givanildo Vieira de Souza)的绰号是“绿巨人浩克”——是不是很贴切?



    World Cup frenzy is in full force after the kick-off match on Thursday, and while it may not bode well for Brazil’s economy, according to a recent Fortune article, at least we can all sit-back and enjoy the game.

    Especially important when discussing Brazil’s beloved players are their nicknames, which help define the soccer stars and give them an tinge of mystery. Think “Fred” for Brazilian player Frederico Chaves Guedes or “Hulk” for Givanildo Vieira de Souza.

    But here at Fortune, we’re wondering, what would some of the top Fortune 500 CEOs’ names be if they traded the boardroom for the soccer field?

    Does another CEO and potential nickname particularly strike you? Or maybe you’re curious what your own name might be? Check out the name generator here, which we used to help devise some of the names, and make sure to comment below.

    1. 玛丽•“召回”•巴拉


    最近关于通用汽车(General Motors)38起召回事件的新闻满天飞,因此很不幸,对玛丽•巴拉来说,“召回”可能是最适合的绰号了。是不是看起来有点刻薄?——正是。但相比名字生成器为她取的“Felix Barrito”(注意,是“a”而不是“u”)来说,这个名字还算稍微好一点。

    另外还可以叫“火鸟”,因为她非常喜欢庞蒂克火鸟(Pontiac Firebird)汽车。

    1. Mary "Recall" Barra

    Company: General Motors

    With all the news swirling around GM recently with their 38 auto recalls, there may, unfortunately, be no better name than "Recall" for Mary Barra. A little mean-spirited? Yes. But it's a step up from the generator's version of her name: Felix Barrito. (Note: that's an "a" not a "u.")

    Another possibility? "Firebird." She considers the Pontiac Firebird a favorite.

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