我有许多腰缠万贯的朋友,他们一直希望我写这篇文章。 昨天,未来的亿万富翁、迈克菲研究所创始人约什•迈克菲跟我聊天,讲述了如何打造一家十亿美元规模的公司。与其他许多富翁们一样,他一直在滔滔不绝地讲述千万富翁们的思维。 在我的朋友圈中,著名时装设计师凯尼斯•柯尔告诉我,遵从直觉是建立一家可持续公司的关键;《创智赢家》明星凯文•欧利里向我展示了仅维系有利可图的关系的价值;服装品牌Life is Good联合创始人波特•雅各布建议我将自己的期望传达给所有重要的利益相关者;Cinnabon公司CEO凯特•柯尔告诉我要进行各种尝试——但只选择最有效的;美剧《利益者》主演马库斯•莱蒙尼斯向我展示了利用自身天赋可以让你实现任何目标;安德玛公司创始人兼CEO凯文•普兰克向我阐释为什么应该致力于销售最优秀的产品…… 类似这样的建议不胜枚举。身为一名千万富翁,我自己也想总结一下我公司经营方面的一些心得: 1. 建立超越自我的事业 多数人想要的是自己获得成功,而不是别人。他们希望将所有奖项收入囊中,登上媒体头条,挣很多很多钱。有这些愿望是好事,但你必须选择一个超越自我的事业。你需要清楚,你的志向不止局限于你自己。这样的思维能够带来更多成功,而不是失败。 无私的领导者将专注于其他人的发展,而这反过来会让他们自己受益。我喜欢慢跑和举重。我发现,在帮助其他人锻炼时,我会比自己锻炼变得更强壮、速度更快。助人和助己,会花费同样多的时间。若想富有,必须首先帮助他人富足。 2. 与专家结盟 每一位千万富翁都有一支能够提供战略建议的专家团队。虽然每个人都有自己的意见,但你只想听从最好的建议。许多人听从了错误的建议,最终造成毁灭性后果。寻找业内顶级专家,尽可能与他们成为朋友。 聘用一位高管教练,是最好的进阶方式。一位朋友可能说:“你应该做更多俯卧撑”,但一位教练会向你展示俯卧撑如何让你变得更加强壮,而这将激励你行动起来。找一位认同你的需求的模范人物。多数高管教练的收费,只有你的年收入的10%至20%,只要你能听从他们的建议,这笔开支简直是小菜一碟。 3. 创建有效的系统 一个人不可能靠单打独斗成为千万富翁。他们拥有一套能够发挥自身天赋和能力的系统和流程。世界上总会有一种更好、更快完成任务的方法。为自己创建一个成功系统,它终将给你带来回报。但前提是,这个系统必须是你自己的系统,而不是照搬其他人的。 每一天,我都会利用一些可以帮助我高效工作的习惯、设备和系统。我曾经认为,要想成功,我必须在每天某个时间点起床,但后来我意识到,我工作效率最高的时间是在晚上10点至凌晨4点。我很晚才去睡觉,但我发现这样做对我有许多好处。清晨5点起床并不适合所有人。你必须找到一个适合自己的系统。 4. 做好营销与销售 营销是将你在做什么的信息传达出去,而销售则是让人们购买你的信息。营销帮助你建立可信度;唯有当人们信任你的信誉时,销售才会发生。对于你的公司而言,营销是脊髓,而销售则是脊柱。要想获得强有力的“支撑”,你必须掌握这两种重要技能。 每一位千万富翁都是营销和销售专家。这些技能非常巧妙地将他们带到更高的位置,让他们可以享受最美好的生活。在这个世界上,你要么学会销售,要么等着被别人卖掉。你不妨了解市场需要什么,然后寻找一种战略途径,满足这些需求。简而言之,找到一款可以卖的产品(销售),再构想一个能够刺激人们购买这种产品的故事(营销)。 5. 迅速决策 我们每天都要做出各种决定。但最富有的那些人会迅速作出决定,因为他们对自身有更清晰地认识。多数人并没有学过如何决策。相反,他们只是指望其他人替他们做出决定。这就是为什么全世界只有10%的人成为控制90%的劳动力的企业家。 迅速决策可助你获得财富。最近一个人告诉我,他无法参加某项活动,因为他不知道该做些什么。他并没有作出决定,而是讲了许多为自己开脱的借口。如果他是一位千万富翁,他应该大胆作出决定,告诉我是否会参加活动。你需要做出决定,而不是编造借口。 6. 管理优先事项 安排优先事项意味着首先去做最重要的事情。每天可能有数十项任务等待你去解决,但你必须并且只能去做那些能够给你带来最多回报的任务。你必须养成一种习惯:授权其他人去做那些耗费你的时间、精力和金钱的活动,或者干脆取消这些活动。你的时间毕竟是有限的。 你在2016年的首要任务是什么?你如何完成这些任务?你的目标最好与你实现它们的能力相匹配。多数人设立的目标都太小。对于立志成为千万富翁的人,收入小幅增加是不够的。相反,你应该大幅提高自己的目标,比如将公司增长速度提高四倍。不论你制定了怎样的目标,你的大脑都能找到实现它的方法。 7. 持续产出 在工作日的晚上、周末和节假日,有98%的人选择休息,这是愚蠢透顶的作法!你当然需要休息,但你也必须不停地产出。不要自私地挥霍自己宝贵的时间,因为还有许多人需要你的帮助!你是否意识到,你真正的幸福来自于你产出的成果? 一位著名的NBA球员曾告诉我,他每天都要投1000次篮。他每一天都在告诉自己:“篮球就是我人生的意义。”他不能忍受止步于季后赛;他认为,如果这样的话,他就是失败者。正因如此,他才能成为一位伟大的冠军。坚持不懈地为目标而努力,是成为千万富翁的秘诀。最好的建议:将事业与爱好相结合。 8. 服务他人 令人意外的是,多数千万富翁并不是为了钱才去服务他人的。如果只是为了钱,他们在赚到第一笔100万之后就会停下来。事实上,他们致力于为所有人提供服务。他们很清楚以人为本的道理。服务他人时,你就会自然而然地获得利润。这是一条自动适用的法则。 我曾经嘲笑过那些不领工资的人(志愿者)。现在,我也成为他们中的一员。每天醒来,我的第一个问题通常是:“我如何在最短的时间内为更多人增加更多价值?”而不是“我今天如何赚钱?”一天工作结束的时候,我的桌子上会有一叠等着我签字处理的支票。这些支票来自我的服务。 9. 不断提高 若想改变世界,你需要具备丰富的知识,做出快速改变。你必须开始读书,落实你的想法。我的那些富翁朋友们,多数人每天至少要拿出2个小时来读书——而且他们所读的内容并不简单。他们在攻读大部头的教科书,并且坚持做笔记。 在每天开始工作之前,问问自己:“我如何提高?”如果有一项技能是你必须学习的,去学会它。多数人距离巨大的成功只是缺少一项技能而已。若想成为千万富翁,你必须严肃对待自我提高这个问题,每天对你的个人生活和职业生活做出改变。 10. 寻求反馈 杰克•坎菲尔德对我说过的一番话,让我至今记忆深刻。共同出席一场会议时,他把我拉到一边,严肃地对我说:“丹尼,畅销书作家和业余作家之间的最大区别只有一点:反馈。”他的书在过去二十年间的销量能达到数百万本,这便是秘诀。 如果你希望培养一家成功的公司,寻求反馈将令你受益匪浅。有时候,任何人都可能给你提供好的反馈。它们可能来自你的爱人、孩子、邻居甚至母亲!通常情况下,好的反馈来自对你评价最差的批评者,他们让你更清晰地认识到需要改变的地方。不论你获得的反馈来自何处,你都必须做出必要的改变。 要想成为一名千万富翁,你必须养成千万富翁们密不外传的这10种思维方式。只要你具备了这些思维方式,人们便会注意到你的努力,才会提供你所需要的帮助。如果你深信一项超越自我的事业,并且对它抱有坚定不移的信念,你的成就将不可限量。要想成为一位千万富翁,你首先得拥有这种品质。记住,致力于服务他人,利润便会不请自来。(财富中文网) 译者:刘进龙/汪皓 审校:任文科 |
I have a ton of rich friends who’ve wanted me to write this for a long time. Yesterday, I was chatting with future billionaire, Josh McAfee (Founder of McAfee Institute), who told me how to build a billion-dollar company. Like many of my wealthy comrades, he couldn’t stop talking about the mindset of being a multi-millionaire. Kenneth Cole, the famous fashion designer, told me that sticking with your gut is the key to building a sustainable business. Kevin O’Leary (the Shark Tank star) showed me the value of holding only profitable relationships. Burt Jacobs, co-founder of Life is Good apparel, advised me to communicate my expectations to all my key stakeholders.Kat Cole, the CEO of Cinnabon, told me to try everything–but only stick to what works best. Marcus Lemonis, TV Star of The Profit, showed me how using your gifts can take you anywhere. Kevin Plank, founder and CEO of Under Armour, sold me on why I should only focus on selling my best products. I can go on with the advice I’ve heard from all my wealthy friends, but as a multi-millionaire myself, I would like to sum up my own version of how to make it big in business: 1. Build Something Bigger Than Yourself Most people want success for themselves, not other people. They want to win all the awards, be on the magazines, and earn millions of dollars. Having all of this is fine, but you must select a cause that is bigger than yourself. You need to understand that your purpose is greater than you. This will attract more success, instead of repel it. A selfless leader will focus on growing others, which in turn will grow themselves. As a hobby, I exercise often by jogging and lifting weights. I find that when I help others exercise, I become stronger and faster than I would if I did it all myself. Helping others takes the same amount of time that it does to help yourself. Those who want to be rich must enrich others first. 2. Align Yourself with Experts Every multi-millionaire has a team of experts that gives them strategic advice. While everyone has an opinion, you only want to listen to the best. I see so many people listening to the wrong people, which later leads them to devastating results. Find experts in your industry that dominate and befriend them if you can. Hiring an executive coach is the greatest way to get to the next level. A friend might say, “You should do more push-ups”, but a coach will show how it makes you stronger, which motivates you to action. Find a paragon who can identify with your needs. Most executive coaches charge anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of your yearly income, which is often easy to pay if you follow their advice. 3. Create Systems that Leverage Multi-millionaires cannot do it all alone. They have systems and processes that allow them to leverage their gifts and abilities. There’s always a better and faster way to get things done. If you create a system of success for yourself, it will eventually serve you. However, it must be your system, not someone else’s. Every day, I have certain habits, devices, and systems that I use to help me operate more efficiently. I used to think that I had to wake up at a certain time to be successful, but I realized that my peak time of productivity is from 10 pm to 4 am. I go to sleep ridiculously late and have found many benefits in doing so. The 5 a.m. wake-up club doesn’t work for everyone. You must find a system that works for you. 4. Marketing and Sales Marketing spreads the message of what you’re about, and sales is getting people to buy that message. Marketing helps you to build your credibility and sales happens when people trust your reputation. Marketing is the spinal cord to your business and sales is the vertebrae. If you want strong “backing,” you must master both of these major skills. Multi-millionaires are experts at marketing and sales. Their skills deftly lead them to high positions and allow them to enjoy the best of life. In this world, you can either sell or you’ll be sold. You might as well learn what the marketplace wants and then find a way to strategically deliver what it needs. In short, find a product to sell (sales) and have a story to tell (marketing). 5. Make Quick Decisions Every day, we all make a multitude of decisions. However, the richest people make them fast because they know themselves better. Most people have never been taught how to make decisions. Instead, they look for people who can make it for them. This is why only 10 percent of people in the world are entrepreneurs who control 90 percent of the workforce. Making quick decisions can help you to becoming wealthy. A man recently told me that he couldn’t partake in a certain event because he didn’t know what to do. Rather than deciding, he gave me a fewexcuses and was momentarily off the hook. If he was a multi-millionaire, he would have boldly decided and told me whether he could make the event or not. Make decisions, not excuses. 6. Manage Your Priorities Prioritizing means doing first what matters most. Dozens of tasks may be calling your name each day, but you must only undertake the ones that give you the most reward. You must develop a habit to consistently delegate or eliminate activities that take up your time, energy, and money. Your time is finite. What are your main priorities in 2016? How are you going to make it happen? Your goals better be as big as you can make them. Most people set goals that are too small. A small increase in income won’t suffice for aspiring multi-millionaires. Instead, raise your goal substantially by seeking to quadruple your rate of business. Whatever your goal is, your mind will find a way to do it. 7. Produce Relentlessly On weeknights, weekends, and holidays, 98 percent of people take time to rest, which is utterly foolish! Surely, you do need to rest, but you must produce, too. Don’t selfishly squander your precious time when there are so many people that need your help! Do you realize that your true happiness comes from the work you produce? A famous NBA player confided to me that he cannot go a day without shooting 1,000 shots. Every day, he affirms, “Basketball is my purpose in life.” He cannot stand missing the playoffs; otherwise, he feels like a failure. That’s why he’s a champion. Attaching yourself to your purpose is the secret to becoming a multi-millionaire. Best advice: Mix business with pleasure. 8. Serve People Surprisingly, most multi-millionaires don’t do it for the money. If they did do it for the money, they would have stopped after their first million or so. Truly, they do it for the people. They understand that people come first. When you serve people, the profit will come. It’s a law that automatically applies itself. I used to laugh at people who worked without pay (aka, volunteers). Now, that’s all I do. When I wake up, my first question is usually, “How do I add more value to more people in less time?” not, “How do I make money today?” At the end of the day, I always find a stack of checks at my desk awaiting my signature for processing. These checks come from my service. 9. Continuous Improvement If you want to change the world, you need to consume a lot of knowledge and make rapid changes. You need to start reading books and implementing the ideas you learn. Most of my wealthy friends routinely read 2 hours per day at a minimum–and they’re not reading the easy stuff either. They’re pounding the textbooks and taking notes. When you’re beginning work each day, ask yourself, “How can I improve?” If there is a skill that you must learn, learn it. Most people are one skill away from being a massive success. If you want to become a multi-millionaire, you need to get serious about self-improvement and adopt changes in your personal and professional life on a daily basis. 10. Get Feedback I’ll never forget what Jack Canfield told me at a conference in which we shared the stage. As he pulled me aside, he gave me his serious tone: “Daniel, the major difference between bestselling authors and amateur authors is one thing: Feedback.” This was his secret to selling millions of books over the last two decades. Obtaining feedback is instrumental if you want to grow a successful business. Sometimes, great feedback can come from anywhere. It can come from your spouse, kids, neighbor, or even your mother! Often times, it comes from your worst critics, who give you the deepest version of what you need to change. Wherever you get your feedback, make the necessary changes. To become a multi-millionaire, you must cultivate these 10 secret mindsets of multi-millionaire. If you do, people will notice your work and supply you with the help you need. There’s no limit to what you can accomplish with a deep purpose and faith in something greater than yourself. This is at the forefront of becoming a multi-millionaire. Remember, serve people and profit will come. |