说到如何接触目标客户,以互联网为媒介的交际手段已然不胜枚举,不对于任何一家企业的所有者来说,与客户面对面的人际接触也是必不可少的一环。因为当你与人面对面接触时,对方可以通过你的声音、外表和肢体语言对你产生更加全面的认识,从而也就更加方便双方建立交情。 面对面的交际固然效果很好,但如果你在一些细节上不够注意,也有可能适得其反。 虽说面对面交际更容易让对方对你青眼有加,但是也并非没有把对方吓跑的可能。所以我们有必要检讨一下自己的交际习惯,看看它是否会让有些专业人士对你敬而远之,甚至导致你失去一些商机。 一定要避免踩上交际的红线: 1.打断别人的谈话。当我和某个人说话时,如果有另一个人突然走进来,没有表示歉意便打断了我们的谈话,我的第一反应就是:“真没礼貌!”虽然在交际场合,人们的谈话一般不会谈得太深,但是被打断的人还是会觉得很不爽。 2.搞“强行推销”。要想让对方对你避之唯恐不及,就尽管在刚一见面的时候就向他推销你的产品和服务吧。这样做会让你显得进攻性很强且十分绝望——这绝对不是你想给对方留下的印象! 3.抱怨。你要记住,你是去和其他专业人士交际的。在评论你们的活动场地、装修、菜品之类的软硬件设施时,如果言语间总是各种负能量爆棚,其他人可能就会觉得你心理阴暗并且没教养。 4.“我我我”地说个不停,不关心其他人。当然了,你可能的确做了什么了不起的事,大家都应该听一听你的丰功伟绩。但如果你不那么以自我为中心,多听一听别人有什么要说的,或许效果更好。多问一些开放性问题,多听听别人的需求,那么,对于别人是否能成为你的潜在客户,你的心里也就有个数了。之后你再去介绍你可以向他们提供什么。 5.酒桌上控制不住自己。没错,交际活动经常分分钟就变成开Party的节奏。我也见过一些衣冠楚楚的职场精英分分钟化身斯文败类的样子——喝酒不知量深浅,喝多害人真不浅啊! 6.说屋里其他某个人或是某个客户的坏话。记得永远不要这样做。你知道谁认识谁呢?还需要我说更多吗? 7.穿着太销魂。虽然很多交际活动相对比较轻松,但你也不要穿得太轻松了。如果你不知道在某个交际场合应该穿点啥,我建议你不妨穿得稍稍正式点。最糟糕的结果也无非就是你比别人显得一本正经了些。但没人会因为这个瞧不起你。 关于如何给人留下一个好的第一印象,今天就暂且说到这里。面对面的人际交流能让你有机会建立长久的职场人脉。所以每次参加交际活动的时候,一定要把你最好、最吸引人的一面展示出来——同时也要注意,千万不要踩到以上这几条可能让你失去潜在客户的交际“红线”。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
Despite all the online ways to link up with potential clients, I still believe making in-person connections needs to be a part of every business owner’s networking regimen. When you’re face-to-face with people, you can form bonds more easily because they get a more complete picture of who you are through your voice, body language, and appearance. That’s powerful and wonderful … unless you get careless. While face-to-face networking can result in prospects gravitating to you, it also holds the potential to drive them in the opposite direction. Could your networking habits be turning off other professionals and causing you to lose out on business opportunities? Avoid these networking no-nos: 1.Interrupting conversations. “How rude!” That’s what I think when someone walks up without apology and interrupts a conversation I’m having with another person. Although discussions won’t typically be too in-depth at networking events, it’s still in bad taste to cut off conversations between others. 2. Practicing the “hard sell.” Want a surefire way to make connections eager to avoid you? Then push your products and services right from the start when meeting them. Doing so makes you appear aggressive as well as desperate—definitely not the impression you want to make! 3. Complaining. Remember, you’re there to connect with other professionals. While commenting on the venue location, décor, hors d’oeuvres, or other amenities can help ease you into a dialogue with someone, it can have a negative impact if your words are uncomplimentary. Others might perceive you as snide and ungracious. 4. Being all “me, me, me” and not taking an interest in others. Sure, you’re doing great things and everyone should know more about that. But you’ll do yourself a greater service if you forgo making yourself the center of attention and instead listen to what others have to share about their businesses. By asking open-ended questions and turning a keen ear to their needs, you can assess whether or not they may be a viable prospect. And then later you can follow up to share more about what you can offer them. 5. Having a few too many cocktails. Woot! Yes, networking functions often come in the form of mixers with a bit of a party atmosphere. But I’ve seen otherwise polished professionals turn into hot messes because they didn’t control their alcohol consumption at events. 6. Speaking ill of someone else in the room or about your clients. No, no, no. Don’t EVER do this. You never know who knows whom. Need I say more? 7. Dressing like you don’t care. Although many networking events are relatively casual, take care not to go too far with the informality. If you’re not sure what the dress code is, I recommend erring on the side of slightly overdressed. Worst-case scenario will be that you look a tad more professional than everyone else. No one will think less of you for that. Done with attention to making a first-rate first impression, face-to-face networking can open doors to lasting professional relationships. Put your best, most engaging you out there every time—and take care to avoid networking missteps that could turn off prospective customers. |