让我们来看看这些特质是如何引导他们走向成功的。 很多具有极强创造力的人经常会由于我行我素而受人诟病,因为他们的一言一行往往出人意表。他们经常会遭到旁人的嘲笑和误解,直到他们做成了某件大事,周遭的人才开始羡慕起他们来,并且想要追随他们的脚步。其实,他们身上所拥有的一些成功的特质,我们也一样可以培养,只要我们肯开放头脑更加灵活地进行思考。 1.不安于现状 具有高度创造力的成功者天生不满足于现状。他们很容易就会对现状感到厌倦,经常会有人指责他们“整日上蹿下跳”。他们之所以永远不安于现状,是因为他们的心理极为开放,总是抱着浓厚的兴趣去体验新鲜事物。他们在机械枯燥的工作环境下往往表现得并不好,因为他们的思绪总是在别处飘荡。对于这种人来说,他们的幸福感和成功感来自于攻克一个又一个挑战,或是完成一个又一个令他们感到兴奋和激情的项目。 具有高度创造力的成功者每一次在寻找新的体验时,都会抱着“初学者”的心态,不管他们已经积累了多少经验。他们思维跳跃,自觉性强,好奇心旺盛,总是会问很多问题,极少会声称自己什么都知道。这种心态有助于他们以一种全新的视角看待事物。他们不仅知其然,还要知其所以然。如果不是这样好学善问,他们也就不可能以高度的创造力去解决各种问题。 2.敢于承担风险 具有高度创造力的成功者敢于大胆地承担风险。他们往往非常勇敢,愿意为了一个目标赌上一切。他们充满了好奇心,在反复试错的过程中也依然表现出学习的兴趣。他们能够容忍失败,而且不管是亲自上阵,还是率领一支团队,他们都能运用自身的智慧和勇气来有效地执行那些充满创造力的理念。 具有高度创造力的成功者比大多数人更不容易感到恐惧。他们喜欢那种肾上腺素飙升的感觉,如果他们觉得自己的肾上腺素飙升得还不够,他们就会迫切地关掉体内的“平衡器”,在心理上可劲儿地折腾自己,直到他们的那种紧张感恢复到“常态”——他们的“常态”就是在风险和失败之间走钢丝。他们就是这样在风险和机遇中茁壮成长的,并且他们相信,攻克眼前的困难的工具就在他们自己身上。 3. 创新思考 创造型人才是发明家而不是观察家。他们不喜欢过跟别人一样的人生,也不想拥有跟别人一样的想法、名声甚至是复制别人的成功之路。他们也不满足于光坐在风口上。具有高度创造力的成功者会不停地忙于创造,很少有休息的时候。他们特别喜欢榨干自己的精力,将全部的创造力都投入到手头的项目上。具有高度创造力的成功者还特别擅于综合运用感性和理性思维,从而进一步提高了他们的创新能力。人们大部分都更喜欢在自己可控的领域纠结于细节和琐事,而对未知的领域则望而却步,但创造型成功者却敢于勇闯未知的领域。可以说创造型成功者既是艺术家,也是科学家。 4.用心领导 具有高度创造力的成功者往往是反权威的,他们认为官僚主义只会扼杀他们的创造力,限制他们的行为,使他们无法充分发挥自身潜能,自然也就惶论改变世界了。由于他们不愿遵从规则,因此很多人可能会认为他们永远也无法取得成功。另外,他们更喜欢用心去领导,而不是用脑子去领导。他们更感兴趣的是人而不是数字,他们所选择的工作方式往往能够服务于一个更大的整体,而不仅仅是服务于体制本身。 5.好奇 创造型人才的行动往往基于好奇心。他们喜欢接触和学习新事物,而且他们也经常很享受好奇所带来的焦虑、恐惧和兴奋等情绪。由于他们天生喜欢新奇的体验,这种好奇心也为他们营造了一层神秘与想象,而这能为他们带来真正的快乐。由于他们的好奇心源源不绝,又总是追求新的体验,因此这也提高了他们创新成功的机率,同时也使他们能够更加自然地探索到生命更深的意义。 6.无视规则 创新型成功者们相信,如果他们过着随波逐流的日子,最终也只会泯然于众人矣。他们的行为可能会受人非议,可能无数的人想把他们踩在脚下,可能又有许多人选择支持他们,但不管怎样,他们都会无畏地继续自己的追寻。具有高度创造力的成功者深知,他们的拼搏并非只是为了个人的利益,而是为了实现更崇高的目标。因此,当必须要打破一些规则时,他们就会毅然成为规则的破坏者。而一旦他们发现自己的日子正变得舒服起来,他们又会有意识地打破安逸的现状。可以说在职业生涯的某一时刻,他们中的每个人都必须要打破一些规则,因为只有这样,他们才有可能诞生出更高水平的创新。 7.独立工作 创新型成功者非常看重自己的本性和雄心,这也必然会造就他们的独立、成长、幸福和完整。他们不回避挑战和磨难,而是将磨难视为成长的必经之路。他们绝不会走一条令自己软弱、随大流或者后悔的路。创新型成功者善于安静地独自工作,然后用成功来证明一切。在追求个人自由的过程中,他们独自探索着自己的命运。 8. 易变 由于创造型成功者非常乐于接触新的体验,因此他们往往也是思维非常发散的人。他们往往不尊重传统,性格冲动,不是很讨人喜欢,而且他们对挫败感的容忍度也很低。还有些创造型人才往往给人留下“高冷”的印象,其实他们只是情绪莫测,而且在工作和生活中的思考与做事方法极为独立罢了。但是他们的这种情绪变化并非令人厌烦的那种,只不过他们的大脑总是在“超频”运转,因此当他们深度投入到创新过程中时,他们的想法就会经常改变。 9. 行为怪僻 创新型成功者和疯狂科学家差不多。在现实中,他们都是富有创造力的天才。他们都具有独一无二的特点,而且拥有极强的热情,能够将自己充分沉浸在工作中,有时他们甚至专注得忘记了自我,忘记了时间和空间。他们从经验中明白,如果他们的某些灵感与某种情绪有关,那么他们获得灵感的次数越多,它和这种情绪的关联也就越强。另外,创新的各个方面似乎都是杂乱无章的,外人很难理解。比如成功的创新往往与对新体验的向往、灵感、超强的活动力、冲动、叛逆、批判性思维、严谨以及良心等特质有关。正是这些互相矛盾的特质结合在一起,使得这些创新型成功者往往显得行为怪僻。 10.梦想家 正是因为有做白日梦这个习惯,创新型成功者们才得以逃离当下,去畅想那些面向未来的东西。大脑的幻想中枢不仅能让他们幻想未来的自己,也能幻想其他人在想什么或需要什么。这样一来,创造型成功者就知道了他们的愿景可能会对其他人的想法和需求产生哪些影响。创新型成功者天生不缺乏眼光,因此他们可以根据自己感知到的消费者需求,来幻想自己能够怎样改变世界。他们在乎的不是锦衣玉食的生活,而是使自己的人生变得有意义。具有高度创造力的成功者往往拥有远大的志向,且工作不知疲倦,也不在乎被人当作疯子和怪人。这些人虽然是很多人冷嘲热讽的对象,那他们却也是我们这个世界上最伟大的创新者。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
Here’s how these characteristics guide them to success. Creative people often get a bad rap for being who they naturally are because they are different than everyone else. They tend to struggle through times of being ridiculed and misunderstood until they make such a major difference in the world that others can only admire them and want to be a part of it. These traits are traits we can cultivate if we can open our minds to think more flexibility and with more plasticity. 1. Restless. Highly creative achievers are naturally restless. They tend to be easily bored and may even be accused of being hyper. This restlessness comes from being extremely open and also from their intense interest in having new experiences. They do not function well in routine or mundane work environments because their minds naturally wanders. For this reason it is fundamental to their happiness and success to be consistently involved in challenges or with projects which excite and drive them. Highly creative achievers approach every new experience with the mindset of being a “beginner,” no matter how advanced they may be. They are jumpy, spontaneous, inquisitive, and ask a lot of questions, rarely claiming to already know everything. Having this mindset helps them see things from a fresh perspective. They often ask “why” and “what,” leading them to solve problems with levels of creativity they may not otherwise have had access to without questioning. 2. Bold risk takers. Highly creative achievers are bold risk takers. They are brave and willing to risk it all just to see what happens. They are full of curiosity and show an interest in the trial and error process of learning. They embrace mistakes and use their wisdom and bravery to effectively execute their more innovative ideas, whether they do it themselves or delegate to a team of others. Highly creative achievers show lower levels of fear than most people, and when they are not getting the proper dosages of the adrenaline rush they crave their equilibrium is off and they can struggle emotionally until they get back to their “normal.” Their normal is balanced living on the precipice of risk and failure. Creative achievers thrive here and trust that the tools they need to manage the difficulties they face in life exist within themselves. 3. Out-of-the box thinkers. Creative achievers are creators not observers. They do not enjoy living off of other peoples lives, ideas, reputations or successes. These are not your basic sideline achievers. Highly creative achievers will create until they are done, rarely taking any time off. They are known for exhausting themselves until they have released all their creative energy and put it fully into the project at hand. Highly creative achievers are known to use both sides of their brain to process information in an integrated fashion, which gives them an edge up on innovation. Most people are more comfortable focusing on facts and minutia where they seemingly have more control, whereas, the creative achiever thrives in the space of the unknown, too stressful for most. Creative achievers are artists and scientists in tandem. 4. Lead with their heart. Highly creative achievers tend to be anti-establishment. They view bureaucracy as something which stunts their creativity and serves only to dictate and limit their behavior, their full expression and their potential to have a significant impact in the world. They are often considered non-starters because they will not go by a rule, as they prefer to lead from their heart and not their head. They are more interested in people than status, and choose to work in ways that serve the larger whole rather than only serving to empower of the establishment itself. 5. Curious. Creative achievers are compelled to act on what they are curious about. They prefer to seek out and learn new things, and they enjoy the thrill of processing the emotions of anxiety, fear and excitement with great regularity. With their natural openness to novel experiences, curiosity creates as sense of wonder and imagination which has been linked with the development of true happiness. Because they are endlessly curious and remain open to new experiences, it increases their probability of doing something innovative and it helps them to more naturally discover the deeper meaning and relevance of their lives. 6. Disregard rules. Creative achievers live with the belief that if they follow the crowd they will get lost in it. Their actions will be criticized and more people will try to bring them down then build them up, but they will continue to be fearless in their pursuits. Highly creative achievers know that what they have to offer this world is not self-serving, but rather what they offer is in service of the higher good. For this reason they embrace the times in life which call for the rules to be broken. When they find themselves getting comfortable, they consciously disrupt routine and violate status quo. At some point in every creative achievers career they must break rules, as this is the only way for the next levels of their innovation to be born. 7. Work independently. Creative achievers are deeply connected with their authentic nature and ambitions, which inevitably leads to their independence, growth, happiness and wholeness. They do not avoid challenges or struggles, as they see struggle as the very thing required for their growth. They do not walk paths which lead to weakness, conformity or regret. Creative achievers work independently and quietly, allowing their success to do the talking. In the pursuit of their personal freedom, these people independently discover their destiny. 8. Fickle. Because creative achievers are open to new experiences they tend to be divergent people. They are non-conformists, are impulsive, demonstrate low levels of agreeableness and can also be low in frustration tolerance. They are often misperceived as aloof or unreachable, but they simply tend to be fickle and extremely independent in their thinking and approach to life and business. Highly creative achievers are not fickle to be annoying. Their minds are constantly in overdrive, and for this reason they change their minds quite often while in deeply engaged in the creative process. 9. Eccentric. Creative achievers are akin to mad scientists. In reality they are creative geniuses. They are unique, emotionally intense and passionate which allows them to fully immerse themselves, and even lose themselves for a time, in their work where they lose track of time and space. They make use of repetition knowing that the more times they experience a unique trigger in association a particular emotion the stronger that association becomes. Ultimately all aspects of creativity are disorganized and difficult for outsiders to comprehend. Creativity is associated with an openness to experience, inspiration, hyperactivity, impulsivity, rebelliousness, critical thinking, precision and conscientiousness all working together in tandem. It is this perfect storm of contradicting traits mixing at once which makes these achievers seem eccentric. 10. Dreamers. Daydreaming allows highly creative achievers to escape what is current and allows them to imagine what is future-forward. The imagination center in the brain allows them to imagine their future self, but it also allows them to imagine what someone else is thinking or needing. This allows highly creative achievers to see their visions impacting and supporting the thoughts and needs of others. Because they are naturally endowed with insight, they can imagine themselves changing the world based on what they perceive the needs of the consumer to be. They focus less on bling and more on creating a life of significance. Highly creative achievers think big, work tirelessly and are willing to be seen as weird or crazy. It is these people who attract the strongest gathering of naysayers, and they are also some our world’s greatest innovators. |