

Anne Fisher 2016-09-05



即便如此,如果你感觉最近老掉牙的词汇和短语涌现得越来越多,那你就对了。GetVoIP最近利用谷歌的词频统计器Ngram Viewer,列出了最让人讨厌的陈腔滥调,以及它们自第一次出现在印刷物以来,使用频率的增长幅度(虽然谈不上是爆炸)。在约纳坦看来,最令人讨厌的10个词组,以及它们使用频率的增幅分别是:

•上一个台阶(Take to the next level),3,714%

•拿到台面上来(Bring to the table),1,738%

•走向线下(Take offline),1,579%

•知识转移(Knowledge transfer),1,077%

•举手之劳的事情(Low-hanging fruit),955%

•积极着手进行(Hit the ground running),578%

•把事情安排得井井有条(Get one’s ducks in a row),485%



•改变游戏规则(Game changing,或游戏改变者,changer),341%




Reuben Yonatan has a problem with the kind of business jargon we’ve all gotten used to hearing (and maybe even saying). “Most buzzwords are overused, clichéd, and unclear,” says Yonatan, CEO of tech communications advisory firm GetVoIP. Far from making people sound professional, these hackneyed expressions have “become go-to substitutes when an employee, or a company, has nothing of substance to say.” Ouch.

Even so, if you think certain shopworn words and phrases have been popping up in a lot more places recently, you’re right. GetVoIP recently used Google’s Ngram Viewer tool to make a list of the most annoying clichés and how much their use has increased (not to say exploded) since they first appeared in print. Ten of the most irksome, in Yonatan’s view, and by what percentage they’ve proliferated:

•Take to the next level 3, 714%

•Bring to the table 1,738%

•Take offline 1,579%

•Knowledge transfer, 1,077%

•Low-hanging fruit, 955%

•Hit the ground running, 578%

•Get one’s ducks in a row, 485%

•Empower, 411%

•Fast-track (as a verb), 360%

•Game changing (or changer), 341%

Most people who work in offices can come up with their own list of “buzzwords that make you cringe,” Yonatan notes, like “actionable, buy-in, core competency, raising the bar, and paradigm shift.”

Meanwhile, some new cliches are rapidly creeping like kudzu into more and more workplaces. Consider, for example, “unpack,” meaning to explain or examine in detail, whose use has risen an eyebrow-raising 70,270%. It’s usually, says Yonatan, “code for an eight-hour meeting.” Then there’s “synergize.” GetVoIP’s analysis shows its use has gone up only a relatively modest 119%, but it bugs Yonatan anyway. “You’re probably misusing this,” he says. “Just stop.”
