秋天来了,是时候甩掉炎炎夏日海滩的小说,看看新上市的商业读物,还有哪些名人出书了。今年秋天有一批大牌新作上架,既有希拉里·克林顿的2016年美国总统竞选回忆录,又有维珍集团总裁理查德·布兰森的最新自传。以下就是本季大家最受期待的十本新书。 《危机造就领袖》(Forged in Crisis) 作者:南希·科恩 |
This is the season to set aside that beachy novel and dive into the latest slate of business books and tell-alls. This fall will see a slew of releases by big-name authors hitting the shelves, from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign memoir to Richard Branson’s new autobiography. Here, 10 of the most hotly anticipated titles of the season. Forged in Crisis By Nancy Koehn |
科恩是哈佛大学商学院历史学家,书中描述了美国前总统亚伯拉罕·林肯、政治家弗雷德里克·道格拉斯等五位历史名人一生中的危机时刻,以更广阔的视角深入剖析领导力的实质。星巴克首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨和彭博新闻社创始人兼首席执行官迈克尔·彭博都极力推荐。 《没有思想的世界》(World Without Mind) 作者:富兰克林·弗尔 |
A historian at Harvard Business School, Koehn mines accounts of pivotal moments in the lives of five famous figures, including Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, to deliver broader insights about what leadership should look like. Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg are among the book’s early acolytes. World Without Mind By Franklin Foer |
弗尔曾任美国政治杂志《新共和》编辑。他在思考Facebook、亚马逊、谷歌之类类互联网巨头出现后,人们接触、传播或误传信息的方式如何发生巨变。先剧透一下:他的态度比较负面。 《事发缘由》(What Happened) 作者:希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿 |
Foer, formerly the editor of The New Republic, sets out to examine how the Internet’s biggest players (Facebook, Amazon, Google) have radically altered the way we access and spread information—or misinformation. Spoiler alert: He’s not a fan. What Happened By Hillary Rodham Clinton |
2016年的大选估计还会让政治评论人士困惑很久。美国前国务卿希拉里在新书中回顾了诡异且让人记忆犹新的2016年大选。本书也为前美国民主党总统候选人希拉里重回公众视野铺路,她计划新书发布期间在全美做巡回宣传。(这一次,她会去大选时败给对手的威斯康星州。) 《重新设定》(Reset) 作者:鲍康如 |
It’s a question pundits will be puzzling over for a long time. In her new book, Clinton rehashes the 2016 presidential election, easily the most bizarre in recent memory. The release is shaping up to be a return to the public stage for the onetime candidate. She’s planning a national tour around the launch. (This time, she’ll go to Wisconsin.) Reset By Ellen Pao |
2012年,鲍康如以性别歧视为由起诉硅谷风投公司凯鹏华盈。虽然输掉了官司,她的勇敢行为成功揭开了硅谷这一黑暗面的盖子,其实硅谷的性别歧视现象普遍存在。现在,鲍康如在新书中公开披露状告凯鹏华盈的原因,并指出了科技业应该如何解决性别不公问题。 《三个零的世界》(A World of Three Zeros) 作者:穆罕默德·尤努斯 |
In 2012, Pao sued venerable VC firm Kleiner Perkins for gender discrimination. She lost the case but helped touch off what would become a series of revelations about Silicon Valley’s sexist, systematically exclusionary underbelly. Now, in her debut book, Pao opens up about why she took Kleiner Perkins to court—and outlines strategies for how the tech industry can (finally) start to fix its gender problem. A World of Three Zeros By Muhammad Yunus |
上世纪70和80年代,尤努斯是小额贷款理念的先行者,并因此赢得了2006年诺贝尔和平奖。之后他渐渐相信当今资本主义已经千疮百孔。他在新作中提出,应该建立一个从人类需求出发的新体系,而不是一味追去利润最大化,取代当前的资本主义体系。 《寻找我的维珍帝国》(Finding My Virginity) 作者:理查德·布兰森 |
Yunus pioneered the concept of microcredit in the 1970s and 1980s and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Since then he’s come to believe that capitalism today is broken. In his new book, Yunus makes the case for a new system, based on serving human needs, not maximizing profit, that should take its place. Finding My Virginity By Richard Branson |
布兰森其实不需要什么介绍了,非要介绍的话估计只能这么说:维珍集团的创始人、连续创业的亿万富翁和投资人,已经成为励志的榜样。在出版个人传记《一切行业都是创意业》(二十年后,他带来一部新作,与大家分享他经商半个多世纪的经验之谈。 《点击刷新》(Hit Refresh) 作者:萨蒂亚·纳德拉 |
Branson doesn’t really need an introduction, but here’s one anyway: Founder of the Virgin Group, the billionaire serial entrepreneur and investor has become an inspirational figure. Now, two decades after his memoir Losing My Virginity, he’s back with a sequel reflecting on the lessons learned over 50 years in business. Hit Refresh By Satya Nadella |
微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉的新作是有些自传性质的商业图书。这部作品种有一些个人回忆(包括儿时在印度的一些经历)以及管理微软的心得。他执掌微软期间,一直推动微软重新成为科技业领头羊。 《初创公司之路》(The Startup Way) 作者:埃里克·莱斯 |
Part memoir, part business story, Microsoft CEO Nadella’s new book interweaves personal memories (including stories from his childhood in India) with his strategy for reclaiming Microsoft’s position as a cutting-edge leader in the tech industry. The Startup Way By Eric Ries |
本书是莱斯前一本《精益创业》的续作,是企业家创业初期的经营指南。莱斯在书中剖析了通用电气、亚马逊、丰田等业界巨头如何管理创业企业推动发展。 《四大倾向》(The Four Tendencies) 作者:格雷琴·鲁宾 |
In his follow-up to Lean Startup, a manual for early-stage founders, Ries examines how the GEs, Amazons, and Toyotas of the world can use entrepreneurial management to drive growth. The Four Tendencies By Gretchen Rubin |
创立美国的先辈们都懂得追求幸福是人类的重要权力,地位仅次于生存和自由这两项基本权力。鲁宾撰写了一系列有关人性的作品帮助美国人追求幸福,由此蜚声业内,她最著名的作品便是《幸福计划》。鲁宾这部新作深入剖析一系列新的性格类型(仿照分析性格的迈尔斯指标),希望帮助读者了解自身优缺点,扬长避短,满意地工作与生活。 《解放创新者》(Unleashing the Innovators) 作者:吉姆·施腾格尔 |
Our Founding Fathers understood that the pursuit of happiness is right up there with life and liberty as an inalienable right. Rubin made a name and career for herself helping Americans get there with a series of books on human nature, most notably The Happiness Project. Her latest delves into a new set of personality profiles (à la Myers-Briggs) meant to help readers understand and harness their strengths and weaknesses for contentment in and out of the office. Unleashing the Innovators By Jim Stengel |
怎样让《财富》500强公司具有初创公司的热情?这不是新问题,但鲜有公司能找到答案。在第二部作品中,宝洁公司前首席营销官施腾格尔介绍了传统企业如何在经营中实现快速、创新,并积极运用新科技。 (财富中文网) 译者:Charlie |
How do you infuse startup DNA into a Fortune 500 company? The question isn’t new, and yet few corporations are able to crack the code. In his second book, Stengel, the former marketing chief of Procter & Gamble, lays out how legacy companies can inject speed, innovation, and new technology into their operations. |