企业能否经营成功部分取决于选择创业地点。正像一些创业者猜想的,美国各州情况并不完全一样。目前约有五分之一的初创公司都以夭折告终。财经理财网站WalletHub最近调查了哪些州的初创公司成功率最低,排出了十大适合创业的州,还有十大最不适合创业的州。 WalletHub分析了美国劳工部和统计局的数据,除了倒闭企业的数量,还通过25个指标查看了各州的商业环境、获得资源的渠道,还有企业经营成本。WalletHub主要关注包括平均每周的工作时长、五年内创业公司的生存率,以及办公场所租金水平等。 WalletHub评出的美国十大最适合创业州为: 1. 得克萨斯 2. 犹他 3. 乔治亚 4. 蒙大拿 5. 俄克拉何马 6. 佛罗里达 7. 北达科他 8. 加利福尼亚 9. 亚利桑那 10. 科罗拉多 WalletHub认为在美国最不适合创业的十个州为: 1. 夏威夷 2. 新罕布什尔 3. 罗德岛 4. 佛蒙特 5. 宾夕法尼亚 6. 西弗吉尼亚 7. 新泽西 8. 康涅狄格 9. 马里兰 10. 阿拉巴马 WalletHub发现,北达科他州的企业家融资渠道最多,可能也是该州新增小企业数量在全美也排名榜首的原因。该网站还注意到,密西西比州的劳动力成本最低,康涅狄格州人力成本最高,阿拉斯加州的劳动者工作周工时最长。(财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 审校:夏林
Having a successful business relies a good bit on the location you choose to open that business. As you might imagine, not all states are created equal. WalletHub recently took a look at what states have the most failed businesses — around a fifth of all startups fail, after all — and came up with the 10 best and worst states in the U.S. to start a new business. In addition to the number of failed businesses, WalletHub — which analyzed data from the U.S Department of Labor and Statistics — also looked at the business environment in states, access to resources, and the cost of running a business in those areas across 25 different metrics. For instance, it pays attention to how long the average work week is, the five-year business survival rate, and things like the affordability of office space. You can check out the full methodology here. The 10 best states in America to start a new business: 1. Texas 2. Utah 3. Georgia 4. Montana 5. Oklahoma 6. Florida 7. North Dakota 8. California 9. Arizona 10. Colorado The 10 worst states in America to start a new business: 1. Hawaii 2. New Hampshire 3. Rhode Island 4. Vermont 5. Pennsylvania 6. West Virginia 7. New Jersey 8. Connecticut 9. Maryland 10. Alabama Business owners in North Dakota had the most access to financing, which is possibly why the state also topped the list for the largest amount of growth in the number of small businesses in the area. Labor is cheapest in Mississippi and most expensive in Connecticut, and people in Alaska work the longest average work week. |