1. 玛丽莎•梅耶尔 • 年龄:38 • 职务:总裁兼CEO • 任职公司:雅虎公司
“量力而行”是梅耶尔的做事原则。正是这种职场哲学为她改造雅虎(Yahoo)的工作提供了源动力。去年,在离开工作了十多年的谷歌(Google)后,37岁的梅耶尔加盟雅虎,承担起改造雅虎的重任。梅耶尔替换了雅虎关键职位的高管,进行了一系列收购【目前已进行22笔收购,包括11亿美元收购微博客Tumblr(参阅第24位)】,彻底改造雅虎的文化与人力资源规则,希望能重新为雅虎注入创新活力。增加营收是她面临的挑战之一,不过,这位“40位40岁以下商界精英”排行榜新科状元的做法已经赢得了投资者的欢心:自从梅耶尔入主雅虎以来,这家公司得股票已经上涨了86%。 |
1. Marissa Mayer • Age:38 • Title:President and CEO • Company:Yahoo
"Get in over your head" is Mayer's guideline. It's this career philosophy that has fueled her turnaround effort at Yahoo since she joined the company as CEO last year, at age 37, after more than a decade at Google. Mayer has replaced key Yahoo executives, made a string of acquisitions (22 so far, including Tumblr—see No. 24—for $1.1 billion), and overhauled Yahoo's culture and HR rules (its logo too) in an effort to make the company innovative again. Revenue growth is her challenge, but investors like what our newly crowned No. 1 has done: The stock is up 86% since she came in. |