  • 商务英语:今日热词——成功的关键时刻

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-12-15 05:00

    今日单词:单词chicanery中文释义骗术英文释义(noun) Deception by way of clever, mischievous tricks.例句EXAMPLE: The dishonest accountant cheated his employers by various ...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——成功

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-05-22 05:00

    今日单词:单词nitty-gritty中文释义真相,实质英文释义(group noun, no plural form, SLANG) The specific, practical, and often tedious details involved with any large projec...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——确保成功

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-10-14 05:00

    今日单词:单词sciolist中文释义假内行,一知半解者(名词)英文释义(noun) A shallow, arrogant person who pretends to be wise; a pompous, superficial amateur.例句EXAMPLE: As several t...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——大获成功

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-09-04 05:00

    今日单词:单词stentorian中文释义声音洪亮的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Describing a very loud and authoritative voice.例句EXAMPLE: Crowded with noisy travelers, the huge railro...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——大获成功

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-10-24 05:00

    今日单词:单词malinger中文释义逃避,故意旷工(不及物动词)英文释义(intransitive verb) To pretend to be ill in order to avoid work or similar responsibilities.例句EXAMPLE: When the ...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——成功人士

    《财富》(中文版) 2014-11-17 05:00

    今日单词:单词high-flyer中文释义1.成功人士(名词);2.短期内暴涨的股票(名词)英文释义1. (noun) Someone who has achieved notable success, especially a person who has become successful m...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——大获成功的演出

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-12-23 12:00

    今日单词:单词elude中文释义1.逃避(及物动词);2.难倒(及物动词)英文释义1. (transitive verb) To avoid capture or attention; to escape.2. [transitive verb] To baffle; to not be unde...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——成功举办活动

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-05-03 08:00

    今日单词:单词qualm中文释义顾虑(名词)英文释义(noun) A mild feeling of discomfort about the appropriateness or propriety of an action. (NOTE: often used in plural form)例句...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——含糊其词商务英语:今日热词——含糊其词

    《财富》(中文版) 2016-08-11 01:00

    今日单词:单词equivocate中文释义含糊其词(不及物动词)英文释义(intransitive verb) To speak ambiguously in order to confuse the listener and conceal the truth; a subtle form of...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——公然的

    财富中文网 2018-05-15 01:00

    今日单词:单词blatant中文释义公然的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Describing loud, vulgar disregard for respectable behavior or sensibilities, without embarrassment.例句EXAMPL...
