Jennifer Steinmann 2015-03-25 09:49德勤副首席执行官兼首席技术官詹妮弗•斯坦曼MPW内部网络是一个邀请具有影响力的商界女性及时解答职业与领导力问题的在线社区。今天,我们的问题是:千禧一代进入职场前应采纳的建议是什么?以下是德勤副首席执行官兼首席技术官詹妮弗•斯坦曼的回答。有时,它是英语中最可怕的字眼之一。但是当机会在你的职业生涯中出现...
穆瑞澜(Alan Murray) 2022-07-13 05:002021年的这个时候,我们调查的《财富》美国500强的CEO们都不约而同地松了口气,因为企业的利润和营收正在从新冠肺炎疫情带来的破坏中迅速回暖。然而,今年春天,这种回暖的温度却让企业感到不适,因为它们面临的是不断飙升的通货膨胀,以及物价飞涨和劳动力短缺导致经济陷入衰退的可能性越来越大。CEO们表示...
Yes, Santa Claus, there IS a Virginia
Stanley Bing 2009-12-23 01:28By Stanley Bing“DEAR BLOGGER: I am very old and live at the North Pole. All of my little friends up here say that there is no Virginia any more. Mrs. ...
David A. Kaplan 2012-09-13 08:00父母们,你们不喜欢自己的孩子打破沙锅问到底吗?老师们,在你拼命想要跟上政府规定的教学进度时,前排学生的不断发问会让你感到抓狂吗?你们肯定会痛恨保罗·哈瑞斯(Paul Harris)的有争议的新作《相信教导》(Trusting What You're Told)。哈佛教育学教授哈瑞斯在该书中向根深蒂固...
Yes, MySpace can be saved
财富中文网 2009-06-19 11:50It's a contrarian view, but if new management takes some risks, the site can be revived.By Jessi HempelThings are grim at MySpace. The number of U.S. ...
Free money? Yes, but only for the biggest.
Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-11-16 01:17Many of America's top companies have taken advantage of record low interest rates, but access to cheap debt is still far from reach for the smaller gu...
A housing rebound? Yes, it's possible.
Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-09-22 02:48Despite continued discouraging data from the real estate sector, a few bullish arguments are beginning to emerge. One MIT economist even believes tha...
Circuit breakers, yes. But how about the market breakers?
Heidi N. Moore 2010-07-03 01:49Imagine this: in a world much like our own, a problem in the markets prompted a Congressional hearing that led to quick action by a major player in th...
《财富》(中文版) 2012-04-25 05:00今日单词:单词intercept中文释义拦截英文释义(transitive verb) To catch, deflect, or stop something from reaching its intended destination.例句EXAMPLE:I was able to inter...
Andrew Zaleski 2017-10-27 09:29在德国休假的霍茨:“最终我关心的还是胜出。” 图片:Aubrey Wade《财富》(中文版)——在旧金山郊外的高速路上,一辆讴歌(Acura)ILX轿车正在以每小时55英里(约88.51千米)的速度巡航。车内的立体声音响轻柔地播放着20世纪40年代的爵士乐。后视镜下方的长方形盒子里放着一部智能手机,...