和Nexus One 分手
Michael V. Copeland 2010-02-12 01:20是我用情不专吗?还是我们的关系从一开始就注定没有好结果?作者:Michael V. Copeland刚刚我把我的“超级手机”——Nexus One放回盒子里,准备把她送回她的娘家——谷歌公司(Google)。我把印着Google标志的硬纸盒用胶带封了起来,主要是害怕在联邦快递(FedEx)的人来把手...
Breaking up with the Nexus One
Michael V. Copeland 2010-02-12 01:15Was I fickle? Or was our relationship doomed from the start?by Michael V. CopelandI just put my Nexus One “superphone” back in its box to send it home...
One man against inflation
财富中文网 2009-06-22 06:12Money manager Van Hoisington says unemployment and debt will make rising prices a non-issue.By Beth KowitDuring a recent speech, money manager Van Hoi...
Hyperloop One 宣布倒闭
精选 2023-12-22 11:30马斯克超级高铁梦想破碎。作为最大的超级高铁公司之一,Hyperloop One(前身为 Virgin Hyperloop)正在出售其资产、解雇剩余员工,并准备在2023年底前关闭。...
Dan Primack 2014-02-12 10:28风险投资人对于曾就读哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的未来企业家有偏见。上周末,知名风险投资人、前Facebook高管卡马斯•帕里哈毕提亚在一次会议主题演讲中对哈佛商学院在校生传递了这样的信息。下文摘自DealBook:“这一点对于你们真的不公平,但我认为,你们现在确实遭...
精选 2022-07-26 06:30受媒体报道断料导致“猪吃猪”、董事长被限制高消费等情况后,7月25日正邦科技早盘跌幅一度近8%。当日,正邦科技相关负责人表示,目前国内生猪市场价格出现回暖迹象,尤其是仔猪价格提升,公司销售简报中仔猪销售数量也出现明显提升迹象。目前公司经营性现金流已为正。公司公告称,本次断料主要受6月份猪价低迷及疫情...
The smartphone wars, one year later
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-11-26 09:37The iPhone leads the pack, Android is gaining, everybody else is losing shareBy Philip Elmer-DeWittIt's been a year since Google (GOOG) released Andro...
Credit is finally available, but no one wants it
Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-09-02 01:21Finally, nearly two years after they were bailed out by Congress, big banks are beginning to ease lending standards for individuals and small business...
No one ever went to jail for jailbreaking
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-07-28 11:51If you pay full price for a piece of hardware -- say an iPhone -- it seems only fair that you should be able to do with it whatever you want. Hit it w...
Can One Man Save GM?
ALEX TAYLOR III 2008-02-22 10:42来源:2005年9月号《财富》杂志作者:ALEX TAYLOR IIINo, but CEO Rick Wagoner is working overtime to make sure his company rises to the life-and-death challenges ahead....