《财富》(中文版) 2011-11-02 05:00A single question can be more influential than a thousand statements.——博·贝内特(Bo Bennett,美国商人、励志专家) ...
《财富》(中文版) 2013-03-11 01:00If ever you do want to go into the markets, whether through debt or equity, your reputation particularly in the field of corporate governance is criti...
《财富》中文版 2012-08-17 01:00If ever you do want to go into the markets, whether through debt or equity, your reputation particularly in the field of corporate governance is criti...
《财富》(中文版) 2015-11-04 01:00For me, it was all about going and winning, because I knew these guys were ready.——博尔特(Usain Bolt,牙买加田径飞人) ...
财富中文网 2015-03-27 12:00For every business owner, you need to have people surrounding you that help you function at your highest level and free up your time to do more produ...
财富中文网 2013-11-26 01:00Life always presents challenges on many fronts, and focusing where you want to go can keep you stable when your world around you is spinning.——迈克·阿博特...
《财富》中文版 2012-08-20 01:00Succession can be a systemic risk to a country or region if big businesses are under transition around the same time.——范博宏(Joseph Fan,香港中文大学教授) ...
《财富》(中文版) 2013-05-30 01:00Lifestyle is everything. It is a really powerful way to converge media, marketing, and shopping.——凯蒂亚·博尚(Katia Beauchamp,Birchbox公司联合创始人) ...
《财富》(中文版) 2013-04-17 01:00Company’s boards need to be overseers of management and act in the interest of shareholders rather than as partners of management.——杰克·博格尔(Jack Bogle,...
《财富》(中文版) 2013-01-14 01:00Anyone who’s worth talking to is worth listening to.——大卫·博伊斯(David Boies,美国Boies Schiller & Flexner律师事务所创始人) ...