  • 有拖延症并不是因为人懒,有这三种方法可以缓解

    L'OREAL THOMPSON PAYTON 2022-08-06 11:00

    人脑固有的机制是接受令我们愉悦的任务,避免带来负面感受的任务。图片来源:THE GOOD BRIGADE —— 盖蒂图片社如果你总是等到最后一刻才去完成一项任务,你并不孤单。研究发现,20%的美国成年人是慢性拖延症患者,这意味着他们在家庭、工作、人际关系等方面有拖延现象。另外一项调查发现,88%的受...

  • Too shy to job hunt?

    Anne Fisher 2010-03-24 05:51

    Dear Annie: I've been looking for a job for about three months. I started out contacting former colleagues and bosses to see if they knew of any openi...

  • 面对艰难的商业决策时,直觉靠谱吗?

    Alexander Goldstein 2018-12-13 05:30

    图片来源:Chris Hondros via Getty Images经营一家公司,要经常相信自己的直觉。创业者每天甚至每个小时都要做出决策。理性且迅速地解决各种问题,是创业者的职责所在。多数人会认为,理性源自经验,而迅速反应则取决于创业者的经营风格和个性。两者同时出现,便形成了所谓的“直觉”。从商...

  • 5月14日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2010-05-14 08:00

    今日单词:单词glacial ['gleisjəl, 'glæs-]中文释义极慢的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Moving very slowly, like a glacier.例句EXAMPLE: Our old company changes with glacial spee...

  • Inside Marc Benioff's brain

    财富中文网 2009-10-14 05:31

    By Stephanie N. MehtaIn his new book the Salesforce.com CEO explains the methods behind his particular brand of madness.I got played by Marc Benioff.S...

  • HP to buy Palm: Now the hard part

    Jon Fortt 2010-05-07 01:36

    This is either the end of Palm, or the restart it always needed. Either way, it’s probably the iconic brand’s last chance for survival – and Hewlett-P...

  • The surprising success of the green supply chain

    John F. Wasik 2010-08-18 01:27

    One year after Wal-Mart launched an ambitious plan to help its suppliers track their energy and materials use and carbon emissions, the effort has off...

  • 11月新书推荐,包括奥巴马的回忆录《应许之地》

    Rachel King 2020-11-09 03:30

    图片来源:COURTESY OF CROWN, HARPER PERENNIAL, PENGUIN, SIMON & SCHUSTER, AND FLATIRON BOOKS在我们11月的推荐书单中,其中有一本让人读起来欲罢不能的小说处女作,而且已经被Netflix选中改编为影视剧;还有一本基于流行...

  • Running with the energy bulls

    Scott Cendrowski 2009-10-23 05:52

    A new report from portfolio manager Fayez Sarofim says all signs point to a rebound in energy stocks.By Scott Cendrowski, reporterNEW YORK (Fortune) -...

  • 千禧一代职场新人的培养之道

    Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2011-12-08 09:27

