  • GPS phones help monitor staff

    财富中文网 2009-07-14 06:08

    Small business owners can shave payroll and logistics costs with new, low-cost tracking tools.By Jennifer Alsever(Fortune Small Business) -- For years...

  • Help! My boss is allergic to new ideas

    Anne Fisher 2010-09-27 11:30

    Dear Annie: I really hope you have some suggestions for me, because I'm tearing my hair out. For the past year or so, a new top management team at my ...

  • Help! My boss is driving me nuts

    财富中文网 2009-09-01 05:20

    When a control-freak boss is in charge, you and your co-workers may be tempted to rebel. Here's a better strategy.By Anne FisherDear Annie: We used to...

  • Help! My boss keeps putting me down

    Anne Fisher 2010-01-15 10:47

    By Anne FisherDear Annie: I was hired about three months ago as part of a 12-person training team, and I really like the job and my colleagues, with o...

  • 为了保证人类不被AI“团灭”,这家公司煞费苦心

    Jeremy Kahn 2020-11-18 03:30


  • 乌云笼罩意大利

    Cyrus Sanati 2012-06-19 10:37

    眼下的欧洲一片混乱,很难搞明白应该重点关注哪儿。周日希腊公布的议会选举初步统计结果显示,希腊选民给予支持救助方案的新民主党(New Democracy)略微多数支持。上上周,西班牙10年期国债收益率创下了7%的欧元区纪录,这样岌岌可危的收益率水平曾迫使希腊、葡萄牙和爱尔兰寻求代价高昂且颜面尽失的主权...

  • 传奇CEO韦尔奇正引领MBA革命

    John A. Byrne 2016-02-29 05:30

    通用电气传奇CEO杰克•韦尔奇曾经聘请一名猎头顾问,为他的在线管理学院寻找课程主任和教员主任人选。韦尔奇向这名猎头提出了一些不同寻常的要求。这名猎头是Lochlin Partners公司的迈克尔•柯克曼。他后来回忆道:“杰克不喜欢那种夸夸其谈的学术型人才。”尽管韦尔奇给出了严格的限制,柯尔曼还是没费...

  • Are your best references wrecking your job prospects?

    Annie Fisher 2010-11-29 09:36

    If you want to be a boss, rather than painting you as someone who plays well with others, your references would help you more by saying that you excel...

  • Steal your own identity

    财富中文网 2009-10-20 05:37

    New software sniffs out personal information before hackers can get to it.By Jennifer Alsever(Fortune Small Business) -- Todd Feinman spent more than ...

  • Selling luxury during a downturn

    财富中文网 2009-08-07 05:52

    Italian handbag-maker Antichi Pellettieri is making a play for U.S. consumers, but can it succeed at a time like this?By Sarah KabourekEntering a new ...
