  • Book review: A fan of letters

    Daniel Okrent 2009-12-02 06:52

    From F.D.R. to Ayn Rand, an unusually entertaining ode to a fading art.By Daniel OkrentThe novelist and critic Thomas Mallon began to explore the idea...

  • Why 'The Coach' left Google

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-11-13 01:06

    When Bill Campbell executed a "non-sale transfer" of $7.7 million worth of Apple (AAPL) stock in Sept. 2009, we speculated that given his increasing a...

  • The war over e-book pricing

    Scott Cendrowski 2010-01-26 08:02

    By Scott CendrowskiTopping Amazon's best-seller list for the past week and a half has been Game Change, the salacious account of the 2008 presidential...

  • Is this Apple's e-book trojan horse?

    财富中文网 2009-09-15 01:06

    By Jon ForttTyrese Gibson’s Mayhem is the first digital book for sale on iTunes 9 – perhaps an early sign of Apple’s (AAPL) desire to take on Amazon’s...

  • The book that Facebook doesn't want you to read

    财富中文网 2009-06-27 02:01

    Accidental Billionaires's author Ben Mezrich explains how he put together the tawdry tale that has Silicon Valley buzzing.By Jessi HempelBest-selling ...

  • Innovative Audi: 2009 Q5 3.2 quattro Tiptronic

    财富中文网 2009-06-12 04:50

    By Alex Taylor IIIAll but alone in the wreckage left by the automotive depression, the population of small crossover SUVs bearing upscale brands has b...

  • Please, God, let Sarah Palin’s book tour be over!

    STANLEY BING 2009-11-23 02:34

    BY STANLEY BINGI’m in Logan Airport in Boston this morning. It’s 5:30 AM. On the radio coming here, the top news had something to do with Sarah Palin....

  • 黑莓Q10真机实测报告

    JP Mangalindan 2013-06-27 03:22

    首先,我承认:本人用的就是黑莓(BlackBerry)手机。实际上,我用一台黑莓Bold 9930来收发工作邮件(我的选择),而用一台iPhone 5来干其他事情。你知道吗?这种安排一直很奏效。我很喜欢iPhone的许多特点,比如工业设计、应用选择等等,但有一点我一直不太喜欢——就是它的触屏输入。我...

  • Apple sold 14.1 million iPhones in Q4, iPad sales disappoint

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-10-21 01:30

    Shares fall in after-hours trading despite earnings of $4.64 per share on sales of $20.34 billion. Steve Jobs makes a rare appearance on the earnings ...

  • 创新奥迪:2009款Q5

    Alex Taylor III 2009-06-12 04:49

    作者:Alex Taylor III在汽车业一片萧条低迷之之际,针对高端市场的小型跨界运动型多功能车(SUV)却一枝独秀,风头正劲。过去几个月间,梅赛德斯(Mercedes)、奥迪(Audi)和沃尔沃(Volvo)家族纷纷迎进小型SUV新成员。这些车型直追雄霸多年的雷克萨斯 RX350,而后者也正在...
