  • European banks walk tightrope with no net

    Heidi N. Moore 2010-07-09 09:57

    Corporate retreats sometimes feature a trust-building exercise in which participants fall backwards into the arms of their colleagues. European banks ...

  • Net Applications:苹果丢掉一半“市场份额”

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-08-04 12:47

    作者:Philip Elmer-DeWittNet Applications每月发布的所谓的市场份额报告一直以来颇具争议——这多半是因为它们并不是真的衡量市场份额(商界人士一般用市场份额来表示特定时间内其售出产品数量与该领域内售出产品总数之比)。而Net Applications的做法则是抽样调查访...

  • HP casts a wide net to compete with Apple's tablets

    Shelley DuBois 2010-07-27 01:28

    Adam Lashinsky, Todd Bradley and Jon Rubinstein at Brainstorm Tech. Photo Credit: Matt Slaby, FortuneHewlett Packard has been hinting that it was goin...

  • Net Applications: Apple just lost half its ‘market share’

    财富中文网 2009-08-04 12:49

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittThe so-called market share reports issued every month by Net Applications have long been controversial — mostly because they did...

  • 云存储新秀Box.net获得4800万美元投资

    Michal Lev-Ram 2011-03-02 02:16


  • 电动汽车时代,丰田继续押宝内燃机

    MARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ 2024-06-01 03:30

    丰田(Toyota)首席执行官佐藤浩二(Koji Sato)与斯巴鲁(Subaru)和马自达(Mazda)的首席执行官一起出席了一场新闻发布会,宣布推出新型内燃机。图片来源:KIYOSHI OTA—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES当许多汽车制造商预测纯电动汽车时代即将到来时,丰田...

  • Where Toyota went wrong

    Alex Taylor III 2010-02-03 09:18

    By Alex Taylor IIIWhen Toyota gets around to doing one of its famous "root cause" analyses of the Great Accelerator Recall, it should start by looking...

  • [美国500强] 2016年 第172位: Health Net公司(Health Net)

    所在行业: 保健:保险和管理医保总部地理位置: 伍德兰希尔斯, 美国营业额: 16243.6雇员数: 8584

    Health Net公司提供多种健康保险服务和其他医院及医疗服务,是一家一体化管理的护理机构,通过医疗方案及政府资助的管理式医疗方案提供管理式医疗服务。Health Net的健康方案及与政府签约的子公司通过公司旗下的健康维护组织提供医疗保健服务,开展优先供应商的保险业务,提供定点服务计划和理赔产品。......

  • 迪斯尼跳上加速器魔法马车

    Erin Griffith 2014-02-17 07:28

    大约在2012年年底的时候,科技行业掀起了加速器项目热潮。自Y孵化器(Y Combinator)成功催生热门企业Airbnb和Dropbox之后,上千个初创公司加速器项目在美国如雨后春笋般涌现出来。这些项目成为了年轻初创企业的训练营,而学费便是公司的一小部分股权。但是问题在于,对初创企业真正有帮助的...

  • Toyota's Tylenol moment

    Alex Taylor III 2010-02-01 11:11

    By Alex Taylor IIIIn the midst of its biggest recall ever, Toyota is grappling with an existential crisis.By suspending production and sales of eight ...
