  • 电动汽车时代,丰田继续押宝内燃机

    MARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ 2024-06-01 03:30

    丰田(Toyota)首席执行官佐藤浩二(Koji Sato)与斯巴鲁(Subaru)和马自达(Mazda)的首席执行官一起出席了一场新闻发布会,宣布推出新型内燃机。图片来源:KIYOSHI OTA—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES当许多汽车制造商预测纯电动汽车时代即将到来时,丰田...

  • 成都:24日起进入这些场所须查验24小时核酸证明

    精选 2022-11-23 05:00


  • 9月24日财富箴言

    《财富》(中文版)  2010-09-24 08:00

    Too often, a vast collection of possessions ends up possessing its owner.——沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett,伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司董事长) ...

  • 8月24日财富箴言

    《财富》(中文版)  2010-08-24 08:00

    You have the courage and the daring to think that you can make a difference. That’s what being young is all about.——露比·迪(Ruby Dee,美国电影演员) ...

  • 5月24日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2010-05-24 08:09

    ...subconsciously who do you go to bounce an idea off someone? That’s the person who has judgment that you value.——彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus,美国中央司令部司令) ...

  • 6月24日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2008-06-24 08:00

    It is important to pay people fairly, but managers also should heap on congratulations and feed people’s souls.给员工合理的薪酬很重要,但管理者也应该厚施表扬,给员工精神上的满足。——肯尼斯...

  • 1月24日财富箴言

    《财富》(中文版)  2011-01-24 08:00

    Gut is always important.——瑞安·卡瓦诺(Ryan Kavanaugh,美国Relativity Media公司首席执行官) ...

  • 3月24日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2010-03-24 08:00

    We learned early on that if we help enough people, the money will come.我们早就知道,如果我们给人们以足够的帮助,钱就会来了。——戴夫·拉姆齐(Dave Ramsey,美国理财专家,节目主持人) ...

  • 2月24日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2010-02-24 08:00

    Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They're both important and schools are forgetting one of them.学术资质是重要的,财务教育也是重要的。...

  • 9月24日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2009-09-24 08:09

    Bear in mind that the consumer is not a moron. She is your wife. Do not insult her intelligence.牢牢记住:消费者不是傻子。她是你的妻子。别侮辱她的智商。─大卫·奥格威(David Ogilvy,“广告之父...
