  • 1月19日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2009-01-19 08:36

    In business, unlike in nature, the fittest often survive by helping create the environment that favors them.商界与自然界不同,适者生存的途径通常是创造有利于自己的环境。─戴维•纽科克(Davi...

  • Sony fires latest salvo in e-reader war

    财富中文网 2009-08-06 05:33

    By Jeffrey M. O'BrienIn what is fast shaping up to be a war in the e-reader marketplace, Sony (SNE) has launched the latest salvo, a sub-$300 touch-sc...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——完美的

    《财富》(中文版) 2014-12-11 05:00

    今日单词:单词picture-perfect中文释义完美的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Describing something that is exactly as desired or imagined.例句EXAMPLE: My sister always hoped for a...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——祝你下次好运

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-12-16 05:00

    今日单词:单词germane中文释义有密切关系英文释义(adjective) Relevant and appropriate. (NOTE: often followed by "to" plus a noun)例句EXAMPLE: Unlike others who are distracte...

  • Free money? Yes, but only for the biggest.

    Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-11-16 01:17

    Many of America's top companies have taken advantage of record low interest rates, but access to cheap debt is still far from reach for the smaller gu...

  • Apple slams Microsoft with rubber chickens

    财富中文网 2009-04-21 11:23

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittLike a politician with high approval ratings, Apple (AAPL) has responded to Microsoft’s (MSFT) attack ads by ignoring them.After...

  • 特朗普税改将为苹果省大钱

    Jeff John Roberts 2017-12-14 05:30


  • 今日科技速递:柯达起诉苹果、HTC侵权

    JP Mangalindan 2012-01-13 06:18

    * 昨天,谷歌公司(Google)宣布对搜索引擎的结果进行了改版,也就是从谷歌的社交网络Google+中拉取并推广内容。科技博客Techcrunch的专栏作家MG西格勒认为,此举与微软公司(Microsoft)当年将网络浏览器(Internet Explorer)与视窗操作系统(Windows)绑定...

  • 华为剑指全球手机市场三甲宝座

    JP Mangalindan 2012-01-13 06:18

    * 如果你还没听说过华为公司(Huawai),那么很快,这个名字就会如雷贯耳了。这家中国厂商是世界第二大电讯设备制造商,第九大移动设备销售商。它的目标是:通过为低收入消费者生产智能手机,到2015年成为世界三大手机品牌之一。【《华尔街日报(The Wall Street Journal)》】* 昨天...

  • Why Wells Fargo hasn't paid U.S. Back

    Colin Barr 2009-12-09 11:04

    Unlike Bank of America, the big West Coast lender seems to be taking its own sweet time to repay Treasury loans.By Colin BarrThe Wells Fargo stagecoac...
