  • Hummer heads to the scrap heap

    Alex Taylor III 2010-02-27 12:31

    By Alex Taylor IIIIt seemed like a good idea at the time.In 1998, AM General, which had been making the HumVee for military uses, sold the brand name ...

  • 这四家公司主宰了近20年的美国经济

    Chris Matthews 2015-06-29 05:25

    20年前,《财富》美国500强榜单(Fortune 500)经历了一次重大调整。这份榜单最早诞生于1955年,起初只包含工业公司。毕竟在20世纪中期,最重要的公司都是从事生产制造的。而其余公司则被列入了《财富》“美国服务企业500强排行榜”(Fortune Service 500)。1995年,《财...

  • 最差CEO排行 美国银行掌门人夺魁

    Stephen Gandel 2012-05-14 12:00

    今年的股东大会上,美国银行(Bank of America)的股东们或许希望讨论一下下面这个话题:根据股价表现,布赖恩•莫伊尼汉被评为美国银行业最差劲的CEO。需要说明的是,这次评选活动是在美国银行股价今年飙涨40%之后进行的。周三,美国银行的股东们将赶赴夏洛特市,参加一年一度的股东大会。股东们将表...

  • 最差CEO排行 美国银行掌门人夺魁

    Stephen Gandel 2012-05-14 12:00

    今年的股东大会上,美国银行(Bank of America)的股东们或许希望讨论一下下面这个话题:根据股价表现,布赖恩•莫伊尼汉被评为美国银行业最差劲的CEO。需要说明的是,这次评选活动是在美国银行股价今年飙涨40%之后进行的。周三,美国银行的股东们将赶赴夏洛特市,参加一年一度的股东大会。股东们将表...

  • 6月24日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2008-06-24 08:00

    It is important to pay people fairly, but managers also should heap on congratulations and feed people’s souls.给员工合理的薪酬很重要,但管理者也应该厚施表扬,给员工精神上的满足。——肯尼斯...

  • The lifestyle of the rich and needy

    财富中文网 2009-05-13 05:24

    By Stanley BingDebate continues to swirl around President Obama’s idea of what it means to be rich. Married couples who occupy the top 2% of the popul...

  • The PR power behind HP's board of directors

    Patricia Sellers 2010-08-20 02:19

    While perplexities proliferate around Hewlett-Packard's ouster of CEO Mark Hurd, here is one answerable question in the corporate soap opera: What is ...

  • Jobs "extremely happy" with tablet

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-12-26 12:39

    A flood of rumors point to a Jan. 26 unveiling of Apple's new touch-screen deviceby Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) is a company that leaks with a pur...

  • 财富箴言

    财富中文网 2007-12-29 08:00

    Running a company is a constant process of breaking out of systems and challenging conditioned reflexes, of rubbing against the grain.管理企业是一个不断打破现有系统和...

  • 拿钱跑路的艺术家

    RYAN HOGG 2023-10-02 03:30

    2021年9月28日,一位女士站在一幅空白框架之前,该框架悬挂于丹麦奥尔堡昆斯滕博物馆中。图片来源:HENNING BAGGER—RITZAU SCANPIX/AFP一名艺术家在一场漫长的官司中败给了丹麦博物馆,原因是他提交了两幅空白画布,并拿走了原本应出现在作品中的现金,而且这些现金都是这家博物馆...
