  • Microsoft Windows Phone 7: Simply (Not That) Different

    Jessi Hempel 2010-10-15 01:25

    If this reboot of the Microsoft phone platform underwhelms, CEO Steve Ballmer might have to open the purse strings and make an acquisition. (Hello, Bl...

  • “最受伤”的美国中餐馆:能否靠信念渡过难关?

    Karen Yuan 2020-06-26 03:30


  • 爱因斯坦的一封信件以近300万美元的价格拍出,4分钟即成交

    Emily Gillespie 2018-12-13 05:30

    周二,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦写的一封被称为“上帝之信”的书信在佳士得(Christie’s)拍卖行以近300万美元的价格拍出。据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,这场竞购战持续了4分钟,最终以2,892,500美元的价格成交,几乎是拍卖行此前估计的100万美元至150万美元的两倍。中标者...

  • What brought AT&T to its knees?

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-12-30 11:57

    by Philip Elmer-DeWittA rash of online fraud in New York may have done what Operation Chokehold couldn'tWhy did AT&T Wireless (T) halt online sales of...

  • In praise of extravagance

    Ben Stein 2009-12-10 12:17

    Sometimes the best investments are material things that make you feel good. Even Milton Friedman says so.By Ben SteinAs I sign up for Medicare, a few ...

  • Meet the Google iPad

    Jeff Jarvis 2010-04-07 07:35

    Apple and Google, until recently friends and allies, are now fighting for the future of the Internet. They won’t occupy the same territory exactly: Ap...

  • The Education of Andy Grove

    RICHARD S. TEDLOW 2008-02-22 07:48

    来源:2005年12月号《财富》杂志作者:RICHARD S. TEDLOWA Harvard historian explains how Intel's legendary chief became the best model we have for leading a business in...

  • 别仇视风险资本家了

    Roger Ehrenberg 2011-05-05 12:19


  • 别仇视风险资本家了

    Roger Ehrenberg 2011-05-05 12:19


  • A kinder, gentler cloud

    Jon Fortt 2009-10-27 04:52

    Posted by Jon Fortt, senior writerRemember how cloud computing was supposed to kill client/server? Turns out it’s more of a wedding than a funeral.Fir...
