  • Metering tools slash energy costs

    财富中文网 2009-05-06 05:17

    A small firm muscles in on the electricity metering business.By Phaedra Hise(Fortune Small Business)-The minute a lightbulb burns out in your place of...

  • Layoffs cost more than you think

    财富中文网 2009-06-01 10:59

    来源:2009年3月号《财富》杂志Cutting jobs may seem the fastest, easiest way to manage in a recession. But it's really one of the most expensive.By Geoff Colvin(Fo...

  • Google asks employees for cost-cutting ideas

    财富中文网 2009-09-17 06:23

    By Julie SchlosserGoogle’s Megan Smith, Vice President of New Business Development, offered up a fresh approach to cost cutting during Fortune’s Most ...

  • 苹果MacBook Air过热问题

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2008-03-17 06:42

    作者:Philip Elmer-DeWitt苹果电脑为什么会过热?苹果(Apple)自2006年初和春季晚些时候相继推出MacBook Pro和MacBook以来,有关其笔记本电脑过热的抱怨开始浮出水面。苹果现在都再叫它们膝上型电脑了,至于为什么,用几分钟你就知道了。现在出问题的是新推出的MacBo...

  • 苹果发布新MacBook Air

    精选 2024-03-05 06:00

    没有预告,没有发布会,苹果刚刚突然更新了Macbook Air。值得一提的是,Mac Book Air难得讲起了AI。在M3芯片的加持下,macOS提供智能功能,可提高工作效率和创造力,并且用户可以实现实时语音转文本、翻译、文本预测、视觉理解、辅助功能等。...

  • For BP, post-spill advertising comes at an unknown cost

    Shelley DuBois 2010-09-04 12:43

    The coverage of BP's Deepwater Horizon spill is teaching the typically secretive oil industry something about life in the limelight. Now, the company ...

  • iPad Air 2可以取代个人电脑?

    Jason Cpiriani 2014-11-11 12:00


  • iPad Air遭遇尴尬的优秀

    JP Mangalindan 2013-11-08 07:37

    图片来源:JP Mangalindan/Fortune.com如果你是无可争议的平板电脑市场领袖,你要如何超越自己?重新设计畅销产品,让它更快、更薄、更轻,再给它起一个彰显“改变”的名字。这就是苹果(Apple)在iPad Air上采取的策略。这款上周末开始发售的9.7英寸平板电脑只有1磅(约0.4...

  • 苹果iPad Air是最好的平板?

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013-11-01 10:15

    10月22日, iPad Air发布当天,苹果(Apple)发出了一批评测机。美国东部时间本周三晚9点——距离iPad Air预定发售时间还有一天半,关于这款设备的新闻封锁解除,苹果公司如愿以偿的获得了如潮水般涌来的好评。相关评测节选如下:沃尔特•莫斯伯格,All Things D网站:iPad A...

  • 8 ways to make air travel less grueling

    Anne Fisher 2010-09-27 06:22

    Dear Annie: I graduated from college in May and was hired in July as a trainee with a major consulting firm. This is a great opportunity and I'm reall...
