Adorable Audi: 2009 TTS Roadster
财富中文网 2009-07-31 12:38By Alex Taylor IIIFor a mid-summer run on the Berkshire back roads to a Saturday evening performance by the Boston Symphony at Tanglewood, it would be...
Alex Taylor III 2009-07-31 12:35作者:Alex Taylor III图片来源:奥迪盛夏行驶在伯克郡的乡间小道上,去参加波士顿交响乐团于周六晚在坦格坞进行的演出,开一辆TTS敞篷车最合适不过了。车的顶篷敞开着,音响里正放着Sirius 卫星广播公司播放的古典乐曲,鲜艳的红色TTS是路上最靓的一款车,不过不至于好看到引起哪位麻省警察的...
Innovative Audi: 2009 Q5 3.2 quattro Tiptronic
财富中文网 2009-06-12 04:50By Alex Taylor IIIAll but alone in the wreckage left by the automotive depression, the population of small crossover SUVs bearing upscale brands has b...
Discreet luxury: The Audi S4
Alex Taylor III 2010-03-11 07:27For years, Audi has suffered from an inferiority complex in the U.S. It didn’t feel it was getting any respect from potential buyers.Lately, it has be...
精选 2023-11-24 07:00马斯克在推特上宣布,开源初代Roadster的一切文件,从设计到工程,应有尽有。“无论我们掌握什么资源,现在你也有了。”可以预料到的是,特斯拉这次一开源,大概又会掀起一场产业风暴。...
Dollars for diesels: 2011 Audi A3 TDI
Alex Taylor III 2010-04-28 01:21A gas station is nobody’s idea of a nice place to visit, which is one of the reasons why German cars, with their commodious gas tanks, are so appealin...
Alex Taylor III 2009-06-12 04:49作者:Alex Taylor III在汽车业一片萧条低迷之之际,针对高端市场的小型跨界运动型多功能车(SUV)却一枝独秀,风头正劲。过去几个月间,梅赛德斯(Mercedes)、奥迪(Audi)和沃尔沃(Volvo)家族纷纷迎进小型SUV新成员。这些车型直追雄霸多年的雷克萨斯 RX350,而后者也正在...
Volkswagen's plan for world dominance begins with a $90,000 Audi
Doron Levin 2010-10-12 01:33Luxury models don't cost too much more to build than their mass market counterparts, though they do sell at much higher prices. Volkswagen AG is showi...
Alex Taylor III 2008-12-03 05:36作者:Alex Taylor III德国的三家豪华汽车品牌中,奥迪(Audi)发展得最好。奥迪今年更加关注美国市场,广告大幅上线,销售也十分强劲。随着运动型汽车A5和S5的问世,奥迪的形象也有了新的改变。今年宝马的销售额下降了10%,奔驰下降了5.3%,而奥迪只下降了3.5%。奥迪家族的拳头产品非A...
Dumbest Moments in Business 2009...midyear edition
财富中文网 2009-07-07 06:10GM partners with SegwayIt became clear this spring that General Motors was going to have to get smaller to survive, but this was ridiculous. A week af...