Chevy Volt: A lot of unanswered questions
财富中文网 2009-10-19 05:32Performance, price, and value - there's still a lot of gray area around GM's electric car.By Alex Taylor IIIWhile General Motors continues to define i...
Today's Chevy: Un-Like a rock
Alex Taylor III 2010-08-13 12:54As General Motors gets ready to file for an initial public offering later this month, its largest division, Chevrolet, has been suffering through a pe...
Capable Chevy: 2010 Equinox AWD
财富中文网 2009-09-08 01:59By Alex Taylor IIIThe minute I climbed into the driver’s seat, I knew: General Motors is getting its mojo back.It may sound strange, but for a long ti...
Alex Taylor III 2009-10-19 05:30通用汽车的这款电动汽车在性能、价格和价值上还有许多不确定因素。作者 Alex Taylor III尽管通用汽车(General Motors)仍将自己定义为后破产时代,但其还是在推进破产前就已经进行的一个重要项目:开发雪佛兰Volt(Chevy Volt)电动汽车。上周,一组通用汽车的工程师们对8辆...
Chrysler sale raises tough legal questions
财富中文网 2009-06-11 05:25Did the Obama administration overstep its powers in an effort to save the ailing automaker?By Roger ParloffWhen Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg unexpected...
Alex Taylor III 2009-03-05 05:36一项新近研究质疑通用汽车广为宣传的插电式混合动力汽车的优点作者:Alex Taylor III通用汽车(General Motors)于上周公布其去年第四季度巨额亏损。至此,认为该公司可以不靠联邦政府大规模救助而生存下去的希望彻底破灭。眼下,奥巴马政府的汽车行业工作小组正在考虑通用汽车递交的“生存计...
A taco, a Diet Pepsi and a Chevy Cruze, please
Doron Levin 2011-01-19 05:43American teenagers in the 1960s and 1970s listened to Beach Boys tunes on their transistor radios. In those days few cars could compete with a Chevrol...
雪佛兰Volt: 营销与技术的结合
Alex Taylor III 2009-01-15 05:17困境中的通用汽车想靠一款设计超前的电动车重振声誉作者:Alex Taylor III无论何时,当通用汽车(General Motors)CEO里克•瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)被问到他需要做什么才能让这家陷入困境的汽车公司重振雄风的时候,他总会一成不变的回答:“生产上好的轿车和卡车,在技术上领...
雪佛兰Volt: 营销与技术的结合
Alex Taylor III 2009-01-15 05:17困境中的通用汽车想靠一款设计超前的电动车重振声誉作者:Alex Taylor III无论何时,当通用汽车(General Motors)CEO里克•瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)被问到他需要做什么才能让这家陷入困境的汽车公司重振雄风的时候,他总会一成不变的回答:“生产上好的轿车和卡车,在技术上领...
Alex Taylor III 2011-07-14 01:08雪佛兰Volt(左图)在全新的插电式普锐斯(Prius)前甘拜下风.。这款车就是普锐斯(Prius)插电汽车。这款丰田新车已经开始规模化试车,从现在开始不到一年,它就将在展厅中闪亮登场。比起Volt来,它更高效,更便宜。而且,丰田汽车公司可以指望靠它赢利——通用汽车公司(General Motors...