《财富》 2011-04-07 10:13排名:20 (去年排名:16)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?难怪这家网络巨头的远程办公人数的占比名列前茅:85%的雇员通常在家或者在路上工作。而高薪和各种补贴的47%是员工为公司推荐新人的原因。2009年营业收入(百万美元):36,100网址:www.cisco.com ...
The Cisco of smart grids?
财富中文网 2009-06-25 01:49Silver Spring Networks' technology helps power companies gather intelligence about their users,¬ making utilities smarter, and greener, in the process...
Cisco's upside potential
财富中文网 2009-07-21 05:59When the economy finally gets back on track, the networking giant will play a key role in some of tech's biggest trends.By Michael V. CopelandThere ha...
Cisco CTO’s tips for a top career
Padmasree Warrior 2010-03-17 09:40Today is International Women’s Day. While we’re celebrating the achievements of women, we also need to recognize that in many fields, there are way to...
Cisco's 'earth-shattering' announcement
Michael V. Copeland 2010-03-10 07:33For all you folks who had dreams of flying cars or Cisco (CSCO) announcing the purchase of EMC, what CEO John Chambers revealed Tuesday after weeks of...
Cisco's new Umi: The answer to a question nobody asked
Shelley DuBois 2010-10-12 01:50The company says its new video chatting device is just what people want. But a look at the competition -- and $600 price point -- doesn't seem to bode...
2007年度美国卓越雇主之Cisco Systems
财富中文网 2008-04-10 10:57公司Cisco Systems排名6去年名次11总部所在地San Jose在美国的机构数量136网址www.cisco.com员工数量(美国)32,160员工数量(美国以外)17,965少数族裔员工百分比41%女性员工百分比25%工作岗位增长率17%新增岗位数量(1年内)4,700应聘人数456,6...
Kevin Kelleher 2012-11-28 09:19交换机和路由器是互联网的基石,作为这类设备的供应商,思科系统公司(Cisco Systems)在搭建互联网方面发挥了至关重要的作用。随着互联网的发展,思科已步入中年,而其标志性产品也已日趋同质化。为了抵御竞争对手,思科正努力寻找新的增长点。如今,互联网的网络结构在很大程度上复杂了很多。交换机和路由器...
Michal Lev-Ram 2012-02-13 09:53思科(Cisco)重振旗鼓的努力已经开始慢慢奏效。这家网络设备巨头上周三公布的利润和销售数据均好于预期,但未来依然前途漫漫。首先来看数字:思科公布第二财季实现净利润22亿美元,好于上年同期的15亿美元;营收115亿美元,也高于上年同期的104亿美元。另外,这家总部位于圣何塞的公司还宣布,比计划提前一...
Kevin Kelleher 2013-11-27 01:33互联网泡沫破裂之后12年的大部分时间里,思科公司(Cisco)一直是科技行业的领头羊。它的股票表现很大程度都在跟着纳斯达克走。可以说思科生产的交换机和路由器很大程度上构造了今天这个互联程度越来越高的世界的神经系统。所以思科公司的订单也就具有了提前反映广域经济的剧烈波动的能力。由于思科公司经常在收益电...