  • The latest tech tool? People power.

    财富中文网 2009-11-11 05:41

    How social networking can transform the CIO into a superheroBy Alan S. CohenI recently spent a few days with 100 of Cisco’s (CSCO) top customers, Chie...

  • Trading on home prices

    财富中文网 2009-07-17 10:06

    With two new vehicles from MacroMarkets, you can invest in the outlook on housing prices whether they go up or down.By Katie BennerInvestors now have ...

  • Buffett dumps Home Depot

    Colin Barr 2010-11-18 12:18

    Home Depot can't help Warren Buffett.Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA), the Omaha, Neb., company run by the billionaire investor, sold its entire Home Depot s...

  • Stocks: The latest Fed bubble

    财富中文网 2009-08-13 12:37

    Are the government programs supporting the financial sector reinflating global stock markets even as economies stumble?By Colin BarrThe Federal Reserv...

  • Intel's latest headache: Nvidia

    Jon Fortt 2009-12-08 07:31

    The chip giant settled with AMD. But another rival is making noise about anticompetitive behavior.by Jon ForttYou’d think Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang wo...

  • Tim Geithner's latest headache

    财富中文网 2009-07-16 11:27

    The treasury secretary's bid to rein in derivatives meets skepticism.By Carol J. LoomisThe Obama Administration has given itself two months to tell Co...

  • 华为推出高端品牌“Ultimate Design非凡大师”

    精选 2023-09-25 11:32

    在华为秋季全场景新品发布会上,华为推出全新超高端品牌ULTIMATE DESIGN非凡大师,以及Mate60 RS非凡大师版本,由刘德华担任该品牌代言人。这也是华为保时捷设计的一次全面升级。...

  • A visit to Wal-Mart’s home

    财富中文网 2009-10-16 05:17

    By Patricia Sellers“Control your expenses better than your competition. This is where you can always find the competitive advantage.”That was said, si...

  • Madoff's Montauk home: Meet the broker

    财富中文网 2009-09-09 05:26

    Montauk broker Joan Hegner is showing the most unusual property of her career: the vacation home where Bernie Madoff's fishing rods now sit idle.By Ni...

  • Home Depot is ready, but shoppers aren't yet

    财富中文网 2009-05-20 11:24

    The retailer has made headway in cutting costs and improving service, but customers have yet to return in force.By Jennifer ReingoldInvestors may be l...
