JP Mangalindan 2011-08-18 09:49虽然谷歌(Google)推出社交网络服务Google+还不到两个月,但硅谷的火药味却越来越浓。6月,Google+上市,带来了创新的视频群聊功能Hangout。一周后,Facebook就宣布与微软(Microsoft)旗下的Skype合作,推出自己的视频聊天服务。上周,谷歌宣布将在Google+上引...
JP Mangalindan 2011-08-18 09:49虽然谷歌(Google)推出社交网络服务Google+还不到两个月,但硅谷的火药味却越来越浓。6月,Google+上市,带来了创新的视频群聊功能Hangout。一周后,Facebook就宣布与微软(Microsoft)旗下的Skype合作,推出自己的视频聊天服务。上周,谷歌宣布将在Google+上引...
Dan Mitchell 2012-01-09 10:15涉及社交媒体网站的流量和用户数,各方莫衷一是,很难确定哪家的数据更准确。例如,Facebook声称有8亿“活跃用户”,但我知道很多人——包括我自己在内——不止有一个账户。因此,Facebook或许有8亿活跃账号,但其用户数量不可能真的接近10亿人,要知道,全球总共也就68亿人。而Google+的用户...
Google draws line in the sand on Facebook
Seth Weintraub 2010-11-10 01:30As posted by Jason Kincaid at TechCrunch, Google (GOOG) has changed its Contacts API terms of service for developers who want to access your Google Co...
熊伟 2011-12-08 09:08在微博上,我介绍自己——“他是灵长目人科动物”,很多人以为开玩笑,其实真这么想。白马亦马,舍此无他。观念差异是决定性的。Google+的主要设计者之一保罗•亚当斯加入Facebook的时候说:“谷歌重视的是技术,而不是社交。”随着这位前Google社交网络研究员被Facebook挖走,两家公司的竞争...
Google's next search foe: Facebook
Seth Weintraub 2010-06-29 11:32Facebook's search engine is now venturing beyond the walled gardens of Facebook.com to the greater web. Will its user-generated results give it an adv...
How Facebook overtook Google to be the top spot on the Internet
Jessi Hempel 2010-03-19 12:22Facebook has dethroned Google! Sort of! Well, ok, not really. For the week ending March 13, the social networking site got more traffic than its compe...
David Meyer 2020-04-30 03:30如果你开放汽车展厅,结果没有人来怎么办?这正是德国许多汽车经销商所面临的两难境地。根据德国各州政府的规定,汽车经销商获准在最近几周陆续恢复营业。德国这个“汽车王国”为防控疫情从一个多月前开始执行封城措施,迫使该国汽车经销商暂停销售。如今,大部分汽车展厅都已经恢复开放。一些小型店铺和花店、DIY商店等...
The Facebook Phone won't kill Google's revenues...yet
Seth Weintraub 2011-02-19 01:21Facebook's devices seem to be complementary to Google's mobile and search ambitions, but the two companies could butt heads down the road.Facebook Nit...
Google TV = cool. But Google TV Ads = $$$
Beth Kowitt 2010-06-08 01:57With the announcement of Google TV last week, the online advertising giant left no hint of uncertainty that it doesn't want to be just an online adver...