HSBC settles money-laundering probe
Colin Barr 2010-10-09 06:24The Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued cease-and-desist orders to two U.S.-based HSBC (HBC) units for infraction...
JPMorgan in SEC subprime probe
Colin Barr 2010-11-05 01:48ProPublica says it may. The investigative journalism outfit reports JPMorgan (JPM) has come under regulatory scrutiny over its handling of conflicts o...
Hedge funds on insider probe: Bring it on
Cyrus Sanati 2010-12-10 09:12Although the insider trading investigation is still in early stages, some fund managers are already positioning their firms to attract new clients fro...
Intel settles with AMD. What's next?
Roger Parloff 2009-11-16 11:26The chipmaker still faces the New York attorney general, foreign trade regulators, and about 80 consumer class-action lawsuits.By Roger Parloff, senio...
Morgan Stanley shares bounce back
Colin Barr 2010-05-17 05:28Investors aren't sweating the Morgan Stanley case, for now.The investment bank's stock sank early Wednesday on reports that it was facing a probe of i...
Geoffrey Smith 2014-06-12 12:00所有对华尔街金融机构愤愤不已的股东们都从教皇的金玉良言中学到了一课。教皇弗朗西斯一世刚刚砍掉了全部由意大利男性组成的、负责监管梵蒂冈财务活动的机构,藉此与饱受洗钱丑闻困扰的前任划清界限。这是这位新教皇力图清理门户、对外开放的最新迹象,而教会或许是近几年来唯一丑闻赛过华尔街的机构。鉴于这位新教皇在梵蒂...
Lynnley Browning 2013-05-13 10:50放弃美国国籍的人数创下了新的纪录,这是一个信号,即美国公民——不管他们是住在蒙大拿州还是蒙古——对向自己全球收入征税的系统感到越来越感到失望。根据联邦政府机构上周三发布的数据,最新放弃美国国籍的人当中,有一个显眼的名字是马哈茂德•卡尔扎伊,他是阿富汗总统哈米德•卡尔扎伊的兄弟。在这份美国国税局(I....
Another fine for Goldman
Colin Barr 2010-09-13 05:36Is a big British shoe about to drop on the Goldman Sachs rally?The Financial Times reports the U.K.'s Financial Services Authority could assess a big ...
Shawn Tully 2015-06-26 05:25汇丰正在启动一场“寻根之旅”。它127年前于香港成立,全名为“香港上海汇丰银行有限公司”。1992年收购英国米特兰银行后,汇丰将总部迁至伦敦。现在,经过几十年的全球化扩张,发展出横跨欧洲、美国和南美的商业、消费和投资银行网络后,汇丰开始收缩扩张步伐,并打算大举回归亚洲市场。作为欧洲银行业龙头,汇丰正...
Polina Marinova 2018-05-18 05:30汇丰银行(HSBC)表示,该行已经完成了世界上第一笔运用区块链技术的贸易融资。具体情况是,汇丰代表美国食品和农业公司嘉吉(Cargill)向金融机构荷兰国际集团(ING)开出了信用证。本次贸易融资所涉交易为从阿根廷向马来西亚出口大豆。借助区块链技术,该信用证存放在开放的分布式账本上,有权访问这个系统...