HTC Q2 profits soar on the back of Android OS
Seth Weintraub 2010-07-09 01:57With Windows Mobile device sales on the decline, HTC more than makes up with Android. The Wall Street Journal points out (subscription required) that ...
Apple strikes back, sues HTC
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-04 12:00Cites 20 cases of alleged infringement on iPhone patents by Android phonesby Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) announced Tuesday that it had filed a law...
AT&T's first little Android: HTC Aria
Seth Weintraub 2010-06-19 01:03After a day with the Aria, I'm finding that it is a very capable, elegant smartphone.AT&T is definitely walking the walk. With the $129 w/plan HTC Ari...
Is Motorola back?
Laura Rich 2010-07-29 01:23Not too long ago, it was Motorola-who? The Razr's leadership had fallen off, and Nokia was gobbling up mobile handset market share. The revenue losses...
Gartner: Watch Android overtake Apple
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-08-18 01:33Source: Gartner, Inc.The headlines pop out of the pie charts at right, drawn from data released by Gartner, Inc. Thursday.• Nokia's (NOK) Symbian, Res...
Kevin Kelleher 2013-04-19 05:00在智能手机行业,运气来得快去得也快。就在2006年的时候,诺基亚(Nokia)还控制着智能手机市场的大半壁江山。iPhone直到2007年夏天才出现。当时安卓(Android)手机甚至还没有面世。安卓公司于2005年被谷歌(Goolge)收购,但是直到宏达电(HTC)在2008年秋天推出Dream智...
Andy Rubin: Google has your back
Seth Weintraub 2011-01-11 02:31Google will start to push mobile services that help, before you even ask.When Google (GOOG) Instant was released, everyone was impressed at how fast s...
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012-02-09 06:45HTC一度成为安卓产品的代名词。2008年,这家台湾手机制造商推出了首款上市销售的安卓手机——HTC Dream手机。两年后,它又与谷歌合作推出了安卓旗舰产品Nexus One。去年11月,HTC超过三星(Samsung)、苹果(Apple)和黑莓手机生产商动态研究公司(Research in Mo...
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012-02-09 06:45HTC一度成为安卓产品的代名词。2008年,这家台湾手机制造商推出了首款上市销售的安卓手机——HTC Dream手机。两年后,它又与谷歌合作推出了安卓旗舰产品Nexus One。去年11月,HTC超过三星(Samsung)、苹果(Apple)和黑莓手机生产商动态研究公司(Research in Mo...
2011 will be the year Android explodes
Seth Weintraub 2010-12-29 05:42(Not this kind of smartphone growth.) Image by @boetter via FlickrEver-improving networks and a big hardware announcement that will send handset price...