  • Good news, bad news on derivatives

    财富中文网 2009-06-29 10:55

    U.S. banks' exposure to potential derivatives losses drops 10% in the first quarter - but remains a scary-looking $1.42 trillion.By Colin BarrThe ever...

  • Oracle sues Google over Android

    Seth Weintraub 2010-08-19 02:19

    In a press release posted after business today, Oracle (ORCL) charged that Google's (GOOG) Android OS infringes on Oracle patents and copyrights relat...

  • Apple strikes back, sues HTC

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-04 12:00

    Cites 20 cases of alleged infringement on iPhone patents by Android phonesby Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) announced Tuesday that it had filed a law...

  • News on the Internet: Garbage in, garbage out

    Stanley Bing 2009-12-08 09:18

    By Stanley BingIt was written by tech writer Ed Bott on ZDNet two days ago. It chronicles the way that the web takes a bogus “report” cooked up by an ...

  • Microsoft-Nokia deal is good news for Android

    Seth Weintraub 2011-02-17 02:29

    By creating an alliance that will take a year to materialize, Microsoft is alienating its other mobile partners and ceding the lower and mid-range sma...

  • News flash: Schmoozers like to schmooze online, too

    Stephanie N. Mehta 2009-11-19 05:30

    Posted by Stephanie N. Mehta, Assistant managing editorSurvey finds young executives embrace online social networking tools to market their companies ...

  • Google sues US Government for anti-competitive behavior?!

    Seth Weintraub 2010-11-04 01:58

    By putting out a Request for Quotation (RFQ) that doesn't allow for any company besides Microsoft to compete, Google's offering wasn't given a fair sh...

  • MySpace shakeup: News Corp.'s morning-after plan

    财富中文网 2009-04-25 12:52

    Founder, CEO DeWolfe is out. What will Murdoch's digital chief Jon Miller do now?By Jessi HempelLess than a month after former AOL chief Jonathan Mill...

  • The 10 and 10 rule: Bad news for U.S. and China alike

    Adam Lashinsky 2010-01-29 10:58

    by Adam LashinskyThe preferred exercise at Davos so far is hand-wringing.Concern over the future of the economy and finger pointing over what went wro...

  • 多数美国人不认同美国最高法院推翻“罗伊诉韦德案”的裁决

    Ian Fisher, Victoria Cavaliere, 彭博社 2022-07-02 03:30

    堕胎权利活动家纳迪娜·塞勒在多布斯诉杰克逊妇女健康组织(Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization)一案的判决公布后,在华盛顿特区的美国最高法院的大楼前抗议时,嘴上贴着写有“二等公民”(Second Class Citizen)字样的胶带。美国最高法院对此...
