Korean Kutie: 2010 Kia Soul Plus
财富中文网 2009-05-19 05:17By Alex Taylor IIIAre Americans ready to think small – this time for real? Plenty of import manufacturers think so, and increasingly American makers w...
娇小可爱韩国风:2010款起亚Soul Plus
Alex Taylor III 2009-05-19 05:15作者:Alex Taylor III美国人真的开始考虑小型汽车了吗?许多进口制造商是这么看的,越来越多的美国汽车制造商也会有这样的想法。美国消费者放弃购买卡车、运动型多功能车和V-8汽车并非出于真心。原因何在?因为美国的汽车都是专门根据国内的道路和石油价格所设计的。只有消费者认为小型车娇小可爱(想想...
How hamsters became Kia's killer salesmen
Alex Konrad 2010-07-07 01:32In the ad world, anything is still possible. Dancing hamsters can sell cheap cars.That's what Kia Motors America has discovered with its popular "This...
2010 Hyundai Tucson: Hot, hot, hot
Alex Taylor III 2010-04-12 11:40Combine a hot car company, Hyundai, with a hot segment, compact crossovers, and you get the 2010 Tucson. Calling the Tucson scalding would be an overs...
Doron Levin 2014-02-26 10:36起亚 K900起亚汽车公司(Kia Motor)推出的全新全尺寸K900豪华车不由得让人想起了底特律1989年1月的一天。就在那一天,亚洲的另一家汽车制造商丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)为自己的首款豪华轿车LS400举办了揭幕仪式。那时底特律和德国的车企们根本没把丰田和它仿照梅...
苹果今年或将发布新款6.5寸iPhone X Plus
Don Resinger 2018-01-12 05:302018年开始了,在大家的iPhone手机上,关于苹果公司的各类新闻又再度铺天盖地而来。本周就有报道称,苹果已经与制造商伙伴就年内生产一款6.5寸屏的新iPhone达成了协议。另外,本周苹果也澄清了哪些型号的iPhone可以用29美元置换新电池,哪些型号则无法享受这项福利。苹果音乐总监吉米·艾欧文计...
Battle for the soul of Silicon Valley
财富中文网 2009-10-10 05:09By Adam LashinskyWho rules techland? Increasingly, it isn't the inmates.In May, when Craig Barrett retired as chairman of Intel (INTC), the choice of ...
Lusty Lincoln: 2010 MKT
财富中文网 2009-11-10 01:55By Alex Taylor IIIAre better times coming? Ford seems to think so, based on the design and features of the new Lincoln MKT.When you want to take the p...
iPhone 15 Plus价格暴降:渠道价比苹果官网14 Plus都便宜
精选 2023-10-19 11:30时隔不到1个月时间,iPhone 15 Plus渠道价一路走低,不仅远低于首发价,甚至比官网销售的上一代产品价格还要低不少。...
Business plus booze equals productivity
财富中文网 2009-08-04 01:46By Stanley BingI’d like to thank President Obama for reminding a boring, sober nation that the solution to a business impasse is very often a glass of...