Marissa Mayer gets new gig (at Google)
Seth Weintraub 2010-10-14 06:34The former vice president of search product and user experience at Google has shifted focus to Location based services.At Disrupt last month, Marisa M...
Andy Rubin: Google has your back
Seth Weintraub 2011-01-11 02:31Google will start to push mobile services that help, before you even ask.When Google (GOOG) Instant was released, everyone was impressed at how fast s...
Google's enterprise search box gets Cloud smarts
Seth Weintraub 2010-10-21 01:59The updated Google Mini Box now searches Microsoft Sharepoint data as well.The only piece of hardware that Google (GOOG) sells is a rebranded Dell (DE...
Google Instant
Michael V. Copeland 2010-09-11 01:25The search leader unveils what it hopes is a fundamental change to how we search online: Search at the speed of thought.If you already thought Google ...
Michal Lev-Ram 2012-11-30 11:53周二晚上,梅耶尔在《财富》杂志“最具影响力女性”活动上笑容可掬。玛丽莎•梅耶尔接任雅虎公司(Yahoo)首席执行官之后的首次公开接受访谈,介绍了自己在事业和家庭中的重心。梅耶尔在周二晚上参加《财富》杂志“最具影响力女性”活动的采访时说:“我觉得对我来说,最重要的事依次是上帝、家庭和雅虎,”这位新任首...
Patricia Sellers 2013-10-25 12:5015个月前,当玛丽莎•梅耶尔空降雅虎(Yahoo)走马上任CEO时,有些员工告诉她,“你有1,000个问题要解决。”“听到人们这么说,压力真的很大。你打算怎么解决1,000个问题呢?”上周四她在《财富》全球最具影响力女性峰会的舞台上这样表示。梅耶尔能成功解决1,000个问题,得益于她从过去的老板、谷...
Patricia Sellers 2012-10-18 02:12从梅耶尔与(右)童年好友阿比盖尔•加维•威尔森的合影中,我们可以大致了解梅耶尔的出身。我与阿比和其他数十人进行过交流。从梅耶尔在威斯康辛州沃沙市的家乡,到斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、谷歌(Google),一直到雅虎(Yahoo),这些人见证了她的成长。去年7月,梅耶尔临危受...
Intel gets some wireless cred
财富中文网 2009-06-25 05:21Intel's partnership with No. 1 cell phone maker Nokia could help the chipmaker realize its mobile ambitions.By Michael V. CopelandIn order to crack th...
Patricia Sellers 2013-02-28 11:40去年夏天,已有6个月身孕的玛丽莎•梅耶尔接任了雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官一职,令世界为之一震。随后,她因为在这个昏昏欲睡的科技巨头内部发起了文化大革命而成为焦点。比如,免费提供智能手机的福利,再比如她所谓的PB&J计划,来唤醒创新。如今,梅耶尔因为要求员工在办公室工作、而不是在家工作的决定登上了《...
Does the Internet know you too well?
Patricia Sellers 2010-07-28 01:39If you think that the Internet knows too much about you -- that you like United vs. Delta, the Yankees vs. the Mets, and that you're hunting for a new...