MySpace shakeup: News Corp.'s morning-after plan
财富中文网 2009-04-25 12:52Founder, CEO DeWolfe is out. What will Murdoch's digital chief Jon Miller do now?By Jessi HempelLess than a month after former AOL chief Jonathan Mill...
HP's board shakeup: Apotheker's master plan?
Eleanor Bloxham 2011-02-11 02:17It's not unusual for a few board members to head for the exit when a CEO gets the boot. But HP's recent board shakeup raises concerns about CEO Leo Ap...
Good news, bad news on derivatives
财富中文网 2009-06-29 10:55U.S. banks' exposure to potential derivatives losses drops 10% in the first quarter - but remains a scary-looking $1.42 trillion.By Colin BarrThe ever...
Dan Mitchell 2011-06-30 11:07看起来,MySpace在经历了漫长而痛苦的衰亡过程后,终于要寿终正寝,永远安息了。本周新闻媒体对该公司的报道读起来不免有些讣告的意味:目前,这家新闻集团(The News Corp.)旗下的社交网络正在计划大量裁员。很显然,这是在为减负作准备,以降低公司成本。 《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg ...
Dan Mitchell 2011-06-30 11:07看起来,MySpace在经历了漫长而痛苦的衰亡过程后,终于要寿终正寝,永远安息了。本周新闻媒体对该公司的报道读起来不免有些讣告的意味:目前,这家新闻集团(The News Corp.)旗下的社交网络正在计划大量裁员。很显然,这是在为减负作准备,以降低公司成本。 《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg ...
Apple's not alone in succession plan woes
Anne Fisher 2011-01-24 09:30One major shareholder is pressing Apple to reveal Steve Jobs' successor at next month's annual meeting. To avoid that kind of showdown, smart companie...
Why Congress is stalling Obama's health plan
财富中文网 2009-07-24 05:49The $1 trillion price tag has to come from somebody's pockets -- and legislators aren't ready to confront those details.By Jia Lynn YangPresident Obam...
Dan Mitchell 2013-01-22 01:08全新的Myspace似乎就意味着两样东西:一、它是让当前用户(或许也让所有人)找不着北的一团乱麻;二、它是音乐巨星、同时也是这个网站主要投资人之一贾斯汀•汀布莱克的宣传工具。打开启动画面,出现的是一幅汀布莱克的巨幅照片和登录/注册入口。当前用户可以输入已有用户名和密码直接登录(界面很清晰,参见下图)...
Behind the shakeup at BofA
财富中文网 2009-06-09 10:47By Patricia SellersThe news that another Fortune Most Powerful Woman — Bank of America (BAC) chief risk officer Amy Brinkley — has fallen was inevitab...
Dan Primack 2011-06-30 11:31据《华尔街日报》专栏作家卡拉•斯韦什尔报道,新闻集团(News Corp.)可能将在本周四敲定一项交易,将麻烦重重的社交网络Myspace交易出去,目前金门资本(Golden Gate Capital)和网络广告服务商Specific Media是最有希望的意向买家。新闻集团可能以2,000万至3,...