  • S&P's commercial real estate revolt

    财富中文网 2009-06-04 05:48

    Blistered by congressional wrath over the housing bubble, the ratings agency now has the financial industry fuming over an 'arbitrary' downgrade plan....

  • Intel Capital stays in the VC picture

    Michael V. Copeland 2009-11-27 12:40

    by Michael V. CopelandCorporate venture capital is one of the corners of the VC world that runs extremely hot and cold. When the startup world is gath...

  • Citi shares rally amid percolating capital markets

    Colin Barr 2010-05-27 01:54

    Is it time to trade into Citigroup? Analysts at Goldman Sachs say it is, based on signs that a volatile market will push trading revenue up yet again ...

  • So you're an MBA candidate who wants to work in venture capital...

    Adam Ludwin 2011-02-14 09:43

    It's that time of year again. MBAs who hope to break into the the venture capital business are ramping up their efforts, either for a summer internshi...

  • 独家: Lux Capital募资超过10亿美元,只为打造科幻未来

    Polina Marinova 2019-08-09 05:30

    为了支持走在“科学前沿”的公司,纽约的风投公司Lux Capital已经通过两只新基金募集了超过10亿美元,其中包括为公司第6只旗舰早期投资基金募集的5亿美元和为专注于成长阶段投资的另一只机会基金募集的5.5亿美元。有限合伙人包括全球基金会、大学捐赠基金和技术界的亿万富翁。Lux还宣布将迪娜·夏基尔...

  • 蚂蚁集团计划从A&T Capital撤资,或彻底退出加密货币领域

    精选 2023-09-22 01:30

    据外媒消息称,蚂蚁集团正计划退出对A&T Capital的投资,这项投资是蚂蚁集团在数字资产领域押注的核心。值得一提的是,此前有消息称蚂蚁集团正计划进行一次重组,将一些不属于中国金融核心部分的业务剥离,为其在中国香港重新启动首次公开招股铺路。...

  • 一封WSB散户的公开信: Melvin Capital和CNBC听好,这是狙你们的理由

    精选 2021-01-29 05:15

    该散户称,以Melvin Capital为代表的华尔街机构在08年金融危机中给数以百万的普通民众制造了巨大的苦难,却没有受到任何惩罚,如今又在游戏驿站的交易中非法卖空、操纵市场;CNBC这类媒体收受大企业赞助,将散户炒股妖魔化;散户如今是在把握一生难得一次的机会惩罚这些机构。...

  • 次贷危机又要来了?美房地产市场贷款风险再次逼近警戒线

    Rey Mashayekhi 2019-06-09 05:30

    加州丰塔纳的一块出租零售场所的广告牌。图片来源:David McNew—Getty Images来自于美国市场分析机构的一份最新报告显示,在经济下行拐点即将到来之际,美国的商业房地产借贷机构或面临重大风险。房地产数据研究机构CrediFi公司在通过《财富》杂志首次披露的一份报告中称,美国的贷款机构对...

  • Do banks have something to hide?

    财富中文网 2009-11-02 06:20

    Even experts have a hard time getting a handle on how bad losses might get as the commercial real estate market implodes.By Colin BarrThe banks have t...

  • Bank watchdogs crack the whip

    财富中文网 2009-10-15 01:10

    Regulators press storm-tossed banks to shore up leaky balance sheets. But for some, it's too late for change.By Colin BarrHere's another sign of a sic...
