Stores within stores: Retail's savior?
Kit R. Roane 2011-01-28 02:04Sometimes the best thing retailers can do these days is hand over part of their store to someone else.Sears is carving out about 15% of the square foo...
沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores)
Anne VanderMey 2011-03-17 01:16最受赞赏公司前50名排名:第11位食品店和杂货店行业排名:第1位(过往排名:第1位)总得分:6.93为何受赞赏跨国零售巨子沃尔玛尽管汇聚了五花八门的每日低价商品,但有时也会饱受抨击。在纽约市最近举行的一次市议会听证会上,这家巨型公司由于劳资关系处理不佳以及降价排挤小型竞争对手,而受到了纽约市市民的...
Bloom Box: Segway or savior?
Paul Keegan 2010-02-25 10:34Three critical questions Bloom Energy must answer to succeed.By Paul KeeganNow that Bloom Energy has come out of hiding on Fortune.com last Friday and...
China's love affair with Apple
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-01-26 09:58What is it with the Chinese and their iPhones?Source: Company reportsThe signs were everywhere: The steady stream of human traffic from New York's Chi...
Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-02-01 11:22《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)周一报道称,巴诺(Barnes & Noble)计划在未来十年关闭旗下三分之一的零售书店。关停似乎不可避免。和其他零售商一样,这家连锁书店在数字世界里步履踉跄,读者日益转向电子书和在线折扣。巴诺的救星可以说是它推出的Nook平板电脑,但...
Inside Beijing's iPhone black market
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-11-20 07:37iPhoneAsia's Dan Butterfield takes readers on a tour of China's electronics junglePosted by Philip Elmer-DeWitt"There’s no room for the meek," writes ...
The American mall: Back from the dead
Shelley DuBois 2011-02-18 01:32It has gotten progressively less cool to meet at the mall since the heyday of the mega shopping center in the 1980s. But starting in the 90s, a downwa...
Putting lipstick on Microsoft’s pigs
财富中文网 2009-08-10 05:59By Philip Elmer-DeWittAt the end of a long report on the Apple Stores — and the corner he believes they have turned — Needham analyst Charles Wolf tur...
One secret of J&J’s success: Diversify within a single industry
财富中文网 2009-04-29 05:13By Patricia SellersFor this year’s Fortune 500 issue, senior writer Geoff Colvin and I had the chance to look inside one of the list’s most enduring p...
Emily Price 2019-01-21 05:30如果你经常去连锁超市Giant Food Stores购物,那么在下次去的时候可能会有意外发现:机器人。与国际零售集团皇家阿霍德德尔海兹美国子公司(Ahold Delhaize USA)旗下服务公司Retail Business Services、Giant,还有电子技术服务商捷普集团(Jabil)...