The iPhone wars: AT&T vs. Verizon
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-11-18 01:20Ma Bell strikes back with a letter, another lawsuit and its own coverage mapsBy Philip Elmer-DeWittThe map that AT&T sent to the press. Source: AT&TCl...
Smartphone wars: The big picture
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-08-06 01:38Apple, Google, RIM, Microsoft, Nokia, Palm, Linux -- who's in it for the long haul?Two news events -- the imminent arrival of Research in Motion's (RI...
The smartphone wars, one year later
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-11-26 09:37The iPhone leads the pack, Android is gaining, everybody else is losing shareBy Philip Elmer-DeWittIt's been a year since Google (GOOG) released Andro...
'Car Wars:' A peek into the automotive future
财富中文网 2009-07-29 12:04A new Merrill Lynch report sees big gains for Hyundai and Ford; slowdowns at GM, Chrysler.By Alex Taylor IIIMost forecasts of future performance in th...
How Mafia Wars can fix the media
John Patrick Pullen 2010-08-10 12:51The Internet is an emporium of inequity. For example, in the massively popular social game Farmville, a little garden gnome will run you 13 Farmville ...
Apple's iPhone 4: The reviews are in
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-25 09:11Wednesday's papers will carry the first official reviews of Apple's (AAPL) new iPhone 4. The usual suspects have been playing with the device for the ...
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012-06-13 06:10苹果公司或许正试图最大限度地淡化谷歌对自身产品的影响力,不过投行派杰(Gene Munster)的分析师基尼•蒙斯特却认为,这并不会给谷歌带来多大的打击。据报道,苹果近日正准备在下一代iOS系统中预装自家地图,以取代当前默认的谷歌地图。而谷歌也不甘示弱,在自家地图中增添了3D模式作为回应。蒙斯特上周...
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013-02-18 11:03来源:IDC(上)以及康姆斯科(下)美国咨询公司高德纳(Gartner)于上周三发布了《全球手机销量》报告,IDC和康姆斯科(comScore)紧随其后,双双于上周四发布了彩色柱状图,表明各自对智能手机大战当前战况的看法——IDC(上)分析了全球市场,而康姆斯科(下)则分析了美国国内市场的状况。笔者...
iPhone 13上市时间或早于iPhone 12
精选 2021-06-29 08:006月29日消息,苹果公司用于组装新一代iPhone手机(暂称iPhone 13)的部分零部件已经到货,这意味iPhone 13的上市日期将略早于iPhone 12。...
JP Mangalindan 2013-09-29 10:36iPhone问世2007年第一代iPhone的灵感来自于史蒂夫•乔布斯在21世纪初接触到的多点触控屏幕,它用令人惊叹的工业设计、铝制机身和防刮屏幕,让黑莓(BlackBerry)等竞争对手看起来成了彻头彻尾的老古董。不过,iPhone最创新的地方也许是对触控操作的运用:再也用不着轨迹球或触控笔了。相...