Trading on home prices
财富中文网 2009-07-17 10:06With two new vehicles from MacroMarkets, you can invest in the outlook on housing prices whether they go up or down.By Katie BennerInvestors now have ...
Buffett dumps Home Depot
Colin Barr 2010-11-18 12:18Home Depot can't help Warren Buffett.Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA), the Omaha, Neb., company run by the billionaire investor, sold its entire Home Depot s...
A visit to Wal-Mart’s home
财富中文网 2009-10-16 05:17By Patricia Sellers“Control your expenses better than your competition. This is where you can always find the competitive advantage.”That was said, si...
Madoff's Montauk home: Meet the broker
财富中文网 2009-09-09 05:26Montauk broker Joan Hegner is showing the most unusual property of her career: the vacation home where Bernie Madoff's fishing rods now sit idle.By Ni...
Home Depot is ready, but shoppers aren't yet
财富中文网 2009-05-20 11:24The retailer has made headway in cutting costs and improving service, but customers have yet to return in force.By Jennifer ReingoldInvestors may be l...
BEN TOREN 2012-07-25 12:07阿迪达斯脚镣鞋当初阿迪达斯(Adidas)推出JS Roundhouse Mid的初衷用它自己的话来说是要设计一款“超火的运动鞋,消费者穿上就舍不得脱,干脆把它们锁脚踝上。”然而事与愿违,这款“脚镣鞋”引发了众怒。6月19日,阿迪达斯在Facebook上推出该款运动鞋广告的同一天,美国民权组织便提出...
Ashwin Rodrigues 2017-10-16 05:30特斯拉的创始人、CEO伊隆·马斯克是个不折不扣的梦想家,他的很多科幻般的理念受到了万众追捧。除了已经量产并大获成功的特斯拉电动汽车,他还有一家私营的太空运输公司,另外他还在筹划一个用真空管道建造的“超级高铁”项目。就在本周一,特斯拉又抛出了一个旨在再次革新整个汽车行业的理念——一辆烧汽油的车。在特斯...
JP Mangalindan 2013-04-04 01:22eBay首席执行官约翰•多纳霍表示,该公司的当日达送货服务可能全面推广。eBay首席执行官约翰•多纳霍称,当日达送货服务是大势所趋。虽然eBay目前还只在美国三个城市开通了当日达服务eBay Now(另有两个城市将在今夏开通该服务),但多纳霍预期,未来从波特兰市到皮奥瑞亚市,客户在1个小时内就能收到...
Chris Morris 2021-03-16 02:13想再去开市客(Costco)买些奶酪或橄榄油?难度可能超乎你的想象。供应链问题造成了这些商品的短缺,某些开市客的超市还出现了包括海鲜在内的许多产品缺货。更具体的说,问题出在船运货柜短缺。开市客的首席财务官理查德·加兰蒂在上周的营收电话会议上说:“从供应链的角度,海外货运依旧存在集装箱不足和港口延误的...
新款iPad mini将移除Home键,今年秋天发布
精选 2021-07-13 02:30报道称,全新的iPad mini将于今年秋季发布,苹果对新机型做了一些调整,包括移除了Home键并使边框变窄。消息人士称,新iPad mini会是9年以来最大的改变,整体类似于iPad Air,搭载更好的芯片。...