  • Why the Fed saved AIG and not Lehman

    Colin Barr 2010-09-09 01:18

    Why did the government save AIG after letting Lehman Brothers fail?Bill Thomas, the former congressman who is the vice chairman of the Financial Crisi...

  • Stocks: The latest Fed bubble

    财富中文网 2009-08-13 12:37

    Are the government programs supporting the financial sector reinflating global stock markets even as economies stumble?By Colin BarrThe Federal Reserv...

  • Fed gets subpoena on BofA-Merrill deal

    财富中文网 2009-06-11 12:32

    Legislators demand the Federal Reserve produce documents clarifying its role in Bank of America's decision to buy troubled broker Merrill Lynch.By Col...

  • The Fed's dodgiest deals

    Colin Barr 2010-12-04 02:20

    After Lehman Brothers failed, the Fed pulled out the stops – and took in some junk.Documents released Wednesday by the Federal Reserve detail how the ...

  • Why there's no point in getting angry at the markets

    Allan Sloan 2010-03-05 05:49

    By Allan SloanGet out your calendars, folks. It's time to celebrate -- or perhaps mourn -- the 10th anniversary of one of the epic financial events of...

  • The AIG fiasco keeps getting worse

    Colin Barr 2010-01-12 01:00

    By Colin BarrThe AIG bailout isn't going away, much as Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner might like it to.The $180 billion fiasco was back in the news T...

  • Naughty Lehman!

    Stanley Bing 2010-03-18 12:47

    It’s very helpful to have a 2,200-page report, more than a year later, on what we knew already. To wit:Dick Fuld! You’re a BAD BOY!Former Lehman execu...

  • 国会期待AIG问题的答案

    Colin Barr 2009-03-06 05:12

    美国国会联合经济委员会主席要求美联储说明哪些交易伙伴从保险公司美国国际集团的大规模紧急援助中获得资金。作者:Colin Barr国会要求美联储(Fed)公布美国国际集团(AIG)的交易伙伴——立法者想知道是谁侵吞了纳税人用来资助AIG的钱。周三,纽约州民主党议员卡罗琳•马洛尼(Carolyn Mal...

  • Fed governor calls for summer rate hike

    Colin Barr 2010-06-08 07:20

    Deficit hawk Tom Hoenig says the time to raise short-term interest rates is now.Hoenig (right), president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, ...

  • AIG sells auto insurer for $2 billion

    财富中文网 2009-04-17 10:57

    The deal is CEO Ed Liddy's biggest since he took over the troubled insurer. But the company still has a long way to go in order to pay back the govern...
