Yelp grows up
Paul Smalera 2010-04-14 05:51“Some businesses are never going to be happy with a paradigm that allows customers to comment, or makes them have to have to earn their content,” Vinc...
Kevin Kelleher 2013-08-07 11:46在面向消费者的互联网行业中,大鱼和小虾一直长期并存。人们谈得最多的要么是谷歌(Google)和Facebook这样的大企业,要么是炙手可热的小创业公司。这类小公司人手不多,但个个是精兵强将,手握类似于Pinterest或Tumblr这样的明星产品。然而,在这两大阵营之间,还有一个小型群体,它们规模太...
Paul Smalera 2010-04-14 05:56Yelp的文斯•苏里图(Vince Sollitto)说:“有些商家永远不会喜欢这种模式:消费者能发表评论,而商家必须努力使消费者满意。”可能真是如此。Yelp从一家羽翼未丰的新创企业,发展成了一家大型点评网站,每月的访问人数已超过3千万,它如今面临的最大挑战,不是如何管理其庞大而忠实的用户群,而是...
Jeffrey M. O'Brien 2009-01-13 05:00这家点评网站因经济放缓受到打击,尽管如此,它还是推出了英国版本。作者:Jeffrey M. O'Brien人们必须吃饭。他们需要水管工、地毯清洁工、律师和牙医。不仅在美国是如此。这在全球都是必需品,而且同其他时候相比,我们所有人现在尤其需要小心如何在这些事情上花钱。那么,Yelp现在不进行扩张更待何...
Coffee perks up
Colin Barr 2010-10-27 01:33Is something brewing in coffee futures?The price of coffee for December delivery broke through $2 Thursday for the first time in 13 years, the Wall St...
Staples steps up
财富中文网 2009-08-27 05:37Sales are down, but the office supplies retailer is poised to shred the competition down the road.By Mina KimesSoaring unemployment and stagnant consu...
Kevin Kelleher 2011-12-02 01:29英语词汇yelp与名为Yelp的美国商户点评网Yelp不同,它起源于16世纪,最初意为“自吹自擂”。经过多年演变,它的意思逐渐演变,如今已经变得迥然不同:按照《简明牛津英语词典》(Concise OED)的释义,它表示“短促、尖利的叫声,尤其是由于疼痛或受惊所致”。眼下,Yelp这家公司正在积极筹备...
Kevin Kelleher 2011-12-02 01:29英语词汇yelp与名为Yelp的美国商户点评网Yelp不同,它起源于16世纪,最初意为“自吹自擂”。经过多年演变,它的意思逐渐演变,如今已经变得迥然不同:按照《简明牛津英语词典》(Concise OED)的释义,它表示“短促、尖利的叫声,尤其是由于疼痛或受惊所致”。眼下,Yelp这家公司正在积极筹备...
Breaking up with the Nexus One
Michael V. Copeland 2010-02-12 01:15Was I fickle? Or was our relationship doomed from the start?by Michael V. CopelandI just put my Nexus One “superphone” back in its box to send it home...
Gearing up on Honda stock
财富中文网 2009-07-15 05:34Analysts say the Japanese automaker should weather the slump and pick up speed when the economy bounces back.By Katie BennerWith consumer spending wea...