  • No more free labor!

    财富中文网 2009-06-24 10:05

    How not to manage a client relationship.By Yair Flicker, as told to Fawn Fitter(FSB Magazine) -- When John Trupiano and I co-founded our software comp...

  • Chrysler sale raises tough legal questions

    财富中文网 2009-06-11 05:25

    Did the Obama administration overstep its powers in an effort to save the ailing automaker?By Roger ParloffWhen Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg unexpected...

  • Talent for sale

    财富中文网 2009-05-07 05:04

    By Mina KimesLooking for work? Max Messmer, CEO of Robert Half International (RHI), feels your pain.Messmer heads a $5 billion-a-year staffing empire ...

  • The anti-iTunes: Forgotten rock for sale

    财富中文网 2009-04-21 05:50

    An all-digital music label digs up treasures from pop history.By David BrowneIn his compact New York City office, Anthology Recordings owner Keith Abr...

  • 亚马逊(Amazon.com)

    Daniel Roberts 2011-03-22 07:29

    最受赞赏公司前50名排名:第7位互联网服务和零售行业排名:2(之前排名:2)总体得分:7.95为何受赞赏?去年12月,亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)宣布,其3G Kindle阅读器是该公司有史以来销量最好的一款产品。尽管一开始人们担心苹果的iPad会对Kindle造成冲击,不过事实证明,Kin...

  • 又回到amazon.bomb

    Katrina Broooker 2000-10-01 06:47

    作者:Katrina Broooker《财富》杂志:去年电子零售股很火,现在已经完全失宠。贝索斯(Jeff Bezos):去年对我来说是不可思议的一年。今年比较正常了。这是亚马孙网上公司在1995年、1996年和1997年的经历,那时谁也没有听说过电子商务。在1996年初,我们被称为Amazon.b...

  • 又一电商黑马!股价翻了十几倍,创始人却在暴涨前抛售一空?

    Bernhard Warner 2020-08-20 03:30

    在纳斯达克上市的电商股票中,谁是今年最受科技股投资者们青睐的宠儿?亚马逊? Shopify?还是阿里巴巴?以上都不是!答案是Overstock.com——一家总部位于犹他州的美国零售电商平台。截至目前,该公司的股价涨幅已经超1,500%。更令人惊叹的是,自3月中旬美股市场遭遇暴跌、甚至多次熔断 以来...

  • The Valentine's Day iPhone

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-01-07 05:46

    Is Cupid's day the date for the long-awaited launch of an iPhone for Verizon?Here's how these rumors get started. Someone tipped off Peter Burrows at ...

  • Overstock公司CEO:我支持、但不持有比特币

    Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-12-26 08:01


  • How Amway weathered the storm, one sale at a time

    Shelley DuBois 2010-08-05 01:24

    Don't be fooled into thinking that direct sales are a thing of the past just because you haven't seen a pink Mary Kay Cadillac in a while. Amway is no...
