  • Snow Leopard: The reviews are in

    财富中文网 2009-08-29 12:58

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittMac OS X Snow Leopard, the sixth major upgrade of Apple's (AAPL) flagship operating system, is scheduled for release Friday, and...

  • 'Consumer fatigue' vs. the 'halo effect'

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-10-20 01:40

    Although they disagree, as usual, about the details, the message from Gartner and IDC's quarterly PC market share reports Wednesday was the same: Appl...

  • Michael Moore: 'Capitalism is anti-Jesus'

    财富中文网 2009-09-25 01:37

    In a Fortune interview, the flame-throwing director explains why his new film brings his religion into the picture for the first time.By Scott Cendrow...

  • Apple's iPhone 4: The reviews are in

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-25 09:11

    Wednesday's papers will carry the first official reviews of Apple's (AAPL) new iPhone 4. The usual suspects have been playing with the device for the ...

  • Best and worst CEO buzz of 2009

    Jessica Shambora 2009-12-31 11:28

    Fortune commissioned a statistical analysis of blogosphere chatter to discover which chiefs of Fortune 500 companies garnered the most buzz this year,...

  • When you're the boss, who gives you reviews?

    Daniel Debow 2010-12-27 06:02

    Asking for feedback when you're the boss is a fraught enterprise, but it's an essential one in today's business world. Here are a few ways to make the...

  • Apple's iPad: The reviews are in

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-04-06 07:45

    The first three reviews of Apple's (AAPL) tablet computer were posted Wednesday night — each, coincidentally, from newspapers that are developing thei...

  • Even bad reviews boost sales

    财富中文网 2009-09-30 04:59

    Think letting customers post cranky reviews of your products will scare away sales? Here's the surprising truth.By Jennifer Alsever(Fortune Small Busi...

  • The best books on investing

    David Warsh 2010-12-30 01:55

    After nearly 20 years as Sunday business columnist at The Boston Globe, and another eight as proprietor of Economic Principals -- a site that covers t...

  • Foxconn stages anti-suicide rallies

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-08-21 01:09

    Thousands of workers at Foxconn's giant Shenzhen industrial park turned out Wednesday for what the company billed as a "Treasure Your Life, Love Your ...
