  • Can social apps kill enterprise software?

    Shelley DuBois 2010-11-11 11:25

    Big, expensive, custom software from blue-chip software and consulting companies has been a rule of thumb for giant corporations for decades now. Is i...

  • Why enterprise tablets might flop

    Michal Lev-Ram 2010-12-01 02:06

    The iPad has the affection of consumers, but most IT departments aren't rushing to integrate the new Apple tablet -- or any other, for that matter.Ima...

  • Expanding management: The delicate art of sharing control

    Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2011-01-28 02:18

    While the thought of sharing control of your company can be nerve-wracking, those who have been through the transition swear by having a second set of...

  • Mac enterprise sales surged in June

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-08-26 01:32

    Source: Needham, IDCGiven the Mac's tiny share of the worldwide PC market -- roughly 3.5% as of June -- Apple (AAPL) has a lot of room to grow. And gr...

  • Google's enterprise search box gets Cloud smarts

    Seth Weintraub 2010-10-21 01:59

    The updated Google Mini Box now searches Microsoft Sharepoint data as well.The only piece of hardware that Google (GOOG) sells is a rebranded Dell (DE...

  • How the Mac App store could blow up the software market

    John Patrick Pullen 2010-12-17 11:10

    Every application developer from Microsoft to the shareware maker in the basement is watching to see how Apple's forthcoming OSX application store wil...

  • Mobile gets down to business

    财富中文网 2009-09-11 05:49

    By Stephanie N. MehtaVerizon, Sybase and Quickcomm team up to manage corporations' mobility needs. Their service just scratches the surfaceTelecom gia...

  • Fiat's Marchionne and Ford's Mulally: Two CEOs, one management style

    Alex Taylor III 2010-04-21 11:52

    Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne will be back in the spotlight Wednesday when he is due to unveil a five year business plan for the Italian automaker and it...

  • 原红杉中国合伙人曹曦成立Monolith Management

    精选 2021-11-26 11:30

    原红杉中国合伙人曹曦,与前博裕资本二级市场合伙人Tim Wang,共同成立投资管理机构:Monolith Management。尽管他们没有明确表露,但相信你看完这段表述已能猜出大概:“四家国内顶级一线风险投资机构、三家千亿美金级别公司及其创始人、十二家新经济领域百亿美金级别公司及其创始人,以及部分...

  • 谷歌停售Glass Enterprise AR智能眼镜,9月将结束软件支持

    精选 2023-03-16 06:30

    北京时间3月16日早间消息,据报道,当地时间周三,谷歌宣布已停止销售Glass Enterprise智能眼镜,该公司也将于今年9月起停止对该智能眼镜的软件支持。这是大型科技公司最早推出、也是最受认可的智能眼镜系列之一,而谷歌公司此举终结了其生产线。...
