  • Dick Brass: Why Microsoft is 'failing'

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-02-08 10:11

    by Philip Elmer-DeWittThe former New York Daily News editor who ran Bill Gates' Tablet PC division tells allIn the week since Steve Jobs unveiled the ...

  • Is Microsoft relevant?

    财富中文网 2009-09-25 05:55

    By Adam LashinskyOracle's Ellison gives the tech world a topic. Discuss among yourselves.Does Microsoft matter? That's the question the noted Microsof...

  • Gates without Microsoft

    Brent Schlender 2009-03-19 01:40

    来源:2008年6月号《财富》杂志Ah, retirement. Time to kick back, relax, and rethink philanthropy, learn biochemistry, eradicate malaria and develop drought-resista...

  • Microsoft without Gates

    David Kirkpatrick 2009-03-19 01:54

    来源:2008年6月号《财富》杂志The challenge isn't replacing Bill. That's already happened. Ballmer's big issues now: growth, Google, and those pesky Apple ads.作者:D...

  • Microsoft goes social

    财富中文网 2009-04-30 07:33

    The software giant thinks it can make money in social networking the old-fashioned way - charging subscription fees.By Jessi HempelFacebook might have...

  • Microsoft's new brain

    David Kirkpatrick 2008-02-22 09:15

    来源:2006年4月号《财富》杂志作者:David KirkpatrickBrutal competition. A stock going nowhere. Microsoft is in crisis, so Bill Gates has unleashed his new hire, soft...

  • 微软(Microsoft)

    《财富》 2011-04-07 06:24

    排名:72 (去年排名:51)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?微软的员工福利好似神话传说,包括衣物干洗及带无线上网的班车,部分大厦还有代客泊车服务。2009年营业收入(百万美元):60,420网址:www.microsoft.com特色工作:企业讲故事高级总监提起微软,人们最熟知的就是它那标志性的软件了。...

  • 微软(Microsoft)

    Daniel Roberts 2011-03-22 07:24


  • Putting lipstick on Microsoft’s pigs

    财富中文网 2009-08-10 05:59

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittAt the end of a long report on the Apple Stores — and the corner he believes they have turned — Needham analyst Charles Wolf tur...

  • Microsoft Windows Phone 7: Simply (Not That) Different

    Jessi Hempel 2010-10-15 01:25

    If this reboot of the Microsoft phone platform underwhelms, CEO Steve Ballmer might have to open the purse strings and make an acquisition. (Hello, Bl...
