  • What to make of Apple's new volatility

    Andy M. Zaky 2010-07-06 01:13

    For as long as I can remember, Apple (AAPL) has been a slave to the direction of the broader market despite its unusually strong fundamentals. Wheneve...

  • Wall Street's big, fat fear-trade scam

    Colin Barr 2011-01-14 10:30

    Don't give in to the financial industry's fear fetish.Everyone agrees 2011 will be a volatile one for the markets. Halting economic growth, towering d...

  • The big market drop could be a correction, not a contagion

    Daryl G. Jones 2010-05-12 05:20

    For stock market operators, a strong stomach and preparedness for the unknowable are critical traits. Yesterday's action in the U.S. equity markets te...

  • 市场“恐慌指标”升级,历史经验预示股市走向

    Joanna Ossinger, 彭博社 2021-03-02 03:30

    最近一段时间,股市的所谓“恐慌指标”有所升级,从历史经验看,这对股市可能是个好兆头。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)的策略师马可·克兰维克和布拉姆·卡普兰在2月24日的一篇文章中指出,芝加哥期权交易所的波动指数(Cboe Volatility Index,以下简称VIX)与标普5...

  • How Morgan Stanley landed a sweeter deal than Goldman Sachs from Uncle Sam

    财富中文网 2009-08-17 05:56

    Goldman chose to store up political capital rather than push its luck when it came time to exit TARP.By William D. CohanThe decades-long rivalry betwe...

  • What exactly is a currency war, anyway?

    Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-10-28 10:48

    Tensions are escalating among some of the world's biggest economies as finance ministers find incentives to devalue their currencies. But are we in a ...

  • Are stocks about to crash?

    Colin Barr 2010-05-17 11:37

    Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg says in a note to clients Thursday that it's time to "take chips off the table." He says stocks have risen too...

  • 什么是现货溢价和期货溢价?快来学习

    彭博社 2018-02-28 05:30


  • 投资者要小心了,美股接下来可能有过山车行情

    Anne Sraders 2020-10-24 04:15

    当媒体打出乐观的标题,市场就会有所上涨;一旦出现了不确定因素,市场又随之下跌。随着投资者的目光聚焦于美国政坛,近日市场的波动已经是司空见惯。目前,白宫与众议院议长南希•佩洛西关于一项新刺激计划的谈判已经到了最后关头。嘉信理财公司(Charles Schwab)的首席投资策略师莉兹•安•松德斯在接受《...

  • Airlines come out for regulation -- of the derivatives market

    Beth Kowitt 2010-05-18 01:53

    Airlines and banks tend to be on the same page when it comes to regulation of business -- they don't want it.Now, the airline industry has decided som...
