  • What's in it for RockMelt?

    JP Mangalindan 2010-11-12 05:44 发现相似文章

    The polished browser has gotten a lot of press for its social media integration and more efficient search features. Even more interesting though, is i...

  • Palm Pixi Plus: the underdog adds Verizon to its arsenal

    Jon Fortt 2010-01-26 02:04 发现相似文章

    by Jon ForttJust as I was sitting down to work on this review, my laptop's WiFi connection went down.“No problem,” I thought. “I’ll just connect throu...

  • 2月10日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-02-11 01:15 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词polished中文释义善交往的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Having fine social manners and confidence from much experience in sophisticated social situations例句EXAMPL...

  • 3月7日商务英语

    财富中文网 2008-03-07 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词bestow中文释义授予(及物动词,正式用语)英文释义(transitive verb, FORMAL) To confer; to give as an honor or formal gift例句EXAMPLE: The mayor wishes to bestow a grea...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——微不足道的

    《财富》(中文版) 2015-02-10 03:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词trifling中文释义微不足道的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Small and insignificant; not large enough to matter.例句EXAMPLE: My rich but greedy brother only gives a f...

  • 2月22日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-02-22 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词dissaving中文释义负储蓄(名词,正式用语)英文释义(noun, FORMAL) The loss of savings due to one's spending more than one's income, with a resulting decline in net ...

  • The man behind the netbook craze

    Michael V. Copeland 2009-11-28 12:57 发现相似文章

    A few years ago rivals mocked Jonney Shih, chairman of Asustek, and his purse-size laptop computers. Millions of netbooks later, Shih is having the la...

  • 用这5种方法,让你在职场上一炮打响

    Md Mitzen 2017-05-20 05:30 发现相似文章


  • 少女内衣公司学生创始人的野蛮生长

    Melissa Locker 2014-04-25 07:09 发现相似文章


  • Inside Sam's $100 Billion Growth Machine

    David Kirkpatrick, Christopher Tkaczyk 2008-02-22 10:00 发现相似文章

    来源:2004年6月号《财富》杂志作者:David Kirkpatrick, Christopher TkaczykSam Palmisano has two huge goals: to get this giant growing again--and return IBM to greatne...