  • Career advice on the move, globally

    Patricia Sellers 2009-12-02 09:25 发现相似文章

    by Patricia SellersGerry Laybourne likes to stake out new ground.As a cable-TV pioneer in the ’80s, she built Nickelodeon for Viacom (VIAB).Later, she...

  • Always bet on Blankfein

    Paul Smalera 2010-05-05 06:55 发现相似文章

    If you want to know how Lloyd Blankfein is hanging in these days, you could read the SEC complaint against Goldman Sachs, which accuses his firm of fr...

  • 11月29日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2010-11-29 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词rescind [ri'sind]中文释义撤消(动词,法律用语)英文释义(verb, LEGAL) To unmake or void a contract, and return both parties that signed the contract back to the p...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——被弃用

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-12-01 05:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词squeegee中文释义橡皮刷英文释义(noun) A tool for cleaning windows that has a short handle and a perpendicular blade edged with rubber or leather.例句EXAMPLE...

  • Google's 'caffeinates' its search engine

    Seth Weintraub 2010-06-11 12:44 发现相似文章

    For those of us who played with the Caffeine Search engine that Google beta tested last year, today's news isn't wholly unexpected. The Beta program w...

  • 达沃斯:奥巴马临阵缺席,卡梅伦趁虚而入

    Nina Easton 2013-01-29 07:25 发现相似文章

    戴维•卡梅伦上周早些时候,达沃斯世界经济论坛(the World Economic Forum)一开幕,就有人开始议论纷纷:全球金融精英齐聚一堂,诸多国家元首及财政部长纷纷亮相,美国代表团成员的级别却明显较低。没有财政部长,没有国务卿。当然也没有国家元首。其次是这样的情况:奥巴马总统在上周一发表的第...

  • 6月12日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2009-06-12 08:55 发现相似文章

    A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing but together can decide nothing can be done.会议就是独自什么也做不了但在一起时决定什么也不能做的重要人物的聚...

  • 2月13日财富箴言

    财富中文网 2009-02-13 08:38 发现相似文章

    A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing but together can decide nothing can be done.所谓会议,就是那些独自什么事也做不了、凑到一起能作出“什么事也做...

  • 商界搞情报工作要学习中情局

    Omar Akhtar 2012-12-25 01:13 发现相似文章

    商业间谍活动或许是违法的,但企业仍然可以想办法密切关注竞争情况。全球各地,有些企业每年要花200多万美元,用于聘请外部机构,或是让内部部门追踪和分析竞争对手的行为及策略。这些公司通常通过公开资源或情报研究来达到这个目标,这种做法通常被称为竞争情报。竞争情报与研究机构Fuld & Company的总裁...

  • A pre-Davos primer

    Adam Lashinsky 2011-01-26 06:55 发现相似文章

    The World Economic Forum, the stunningly successful gathering of global business and non-governmental leaders and heads of state, popularized the noti...