  • 商务英语:今日热词——厌恶

    《财富》(中文版) 2014-08-26 09:04 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词abhor中文释义厌恶(及物动词)英文释义(transitive verb) To hate, disapprove, or reject something, often because one thinks it is immoral.例句EXAMPLE: My grandmot...

  • 1月19日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-01-19 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词grinch [ɡrintʃ]中文释义败兴者(名词)英文释义(noun) Someone that ruins the joyful experiences of others.例句EXAMPLE: Our boss was a stern old grinch who made u...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——背叛

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-02-14 05:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词swaggering中文释义狂妄自大的英文释义(adjective) Loudly arrogant and confident in a manner that indicates disdain for other people; to walk with a flamboyan...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——不认真的

    《财富》(中文版) 2014-08-19 05:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词half-hearted中文释义不认真的(形容词)英文释义(adjective) Having no enthusiasm; lacking interest or energy.例句EXAMPLE: My son practices the piano for an hour ev...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——侃侃而谈

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-09-05 05:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词vulgarian中文释义炫富者(名词,非正式)英文释义(noun, INFORMAL) An offensive, unrefined person who makes a great display of his wealth.例句EXAMPLE: Dressed in expen...

  • 12月11日商务英语

    财富中文网 2008-12-11 08:37 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句pipes嗓门(名词,俚语)(noun, SLANG) A person's voice, especially in reference to one's ability to sing or speak loudly and clearly (from "pip...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——放哨人

    《财富》(中文版) 2014-04-22 05:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词lookout中文释义1.放哨人(名词)2.瞭望台(名词)英文释义1. (noun) A watchful, alert person who keeps aware of changes or approaching danger.2. (noun) A place with a ...

  • Tips for bosses in The King's Speech

    Patricia Sellers 2011-01-17 07:23 发现相似文章

    Of three movies that I saw this weekend (a record cine-immersion for me), True Grit was disappointing, The Fighter was thrilling, and The King's Speec...

  • 苹果如何成为世界最有价值品牌

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-05-12 07:24 发现相似文章


  • 苹果如何成为世界最有价值品牌

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-05-12 07:24 发现相似文章
