  • European banks walk tightrope with no net

    Heidi N. Moore 2010-07-09 09:57 发现相似文章

    Corporate retreats sometimes feature a trust-building exercise in which participants fall backwards into the arms of their colleagues. European banks ...

  • Net Applications:苹果丢掉一半“市场份额”

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-08-04 12:47 发现相似文章

    作者:Philip Elmer-DeWittNet Applications每月发布的所谓的市场份额报告一直以来颇具争议——这多半是因为它们并不是真的衡量市场份额(商界人士一般用市场份额来表示特定时间内其售出产品数量与该领域内售出产品总数之比)。而Net Applications的做法则是抽样调查访...

  • HP casts a wide net to compete with Apple's tablets

    Shelley DuBois 2010-07-27 01:28 发现相似文章

    Adam Lashinsky, Todd Bradley and Jon Rubinstein at Brainstorm Tech. Photo Credit: Matt Slaby, FortuneHewlett Packard has been hinting that it was goin...

  • Net Applications: Apple just lost half its ‘market share’

    财富中文网 2009-08-04 12:49 发现相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittThe so-called market share reports issued every month by Net Applications have long been controversial — mostly because they did...

  • 云存储新秀Box.net获得4800万美元投资

    Michal Lev-Ram 2011-03-02 02:16 发现相似文章


  • 电动汽车时代,丰田继续押宝内燃机

    MARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ 2024-06-01 03:30 发现相似文章

    丰田(Toyota)首席执行官佐藤浩二(Koji Sato)与斯巴鲁(Subaru)和马自达(Mazda)的首席执行官一起出席了一场新闻发布会,宣布推出新型内燃机。图片来源:KIYOSHI OTA—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES当许多汽车制造商预测纯电动汽车时代即将到来时,丰田...

  • 7月31日商务英语

    财富中文网 2008-07-31 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句eatery餐馆,菜馆(名词,非正式用语)(noun, INFORMAL) General term for a casual restaurantEXAMPLE: While travelling in the remote region we were happ...

  • 11月20日商务英语

    财富中文网 2008-11-20 08:12 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句dilution摊薄(名词,投资用语)(noun, INVESTMENT USAGE) A fall in the value of a stock resulting from an increase in the number of shares outstan...

  • 评米其林星不如当网红餐厅:餐饮企业竞相推出AI、AR菜单

    Jay Samit 2018-05-21 05:30 发现相似文章


  • The end of Microsoft. A door opens to a new cloud.

    Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO salesforce.com 2010-05-05 06:29 发现相似文章

    I have been waiting for something spectacular to happen any day. And it’s not the explosion of another volcano in Iceland, but it will be a global eve...